In the first month of this year, a survey issued by the World Economic Forum states that the living expense crisis will be the largest short -term crisis facing the world in the next two years.What is the crisis of living expenses does not seem to be strictly defined, but generally refers to the rise in prices, which exceeds the increase in actual income of ordinary households, so that people can not be eased and cannot cope with the needs of daily life.

Inflation caused by crown disease epidemic, war, climate change, etc., the wages of the world's widows feel unprecedentedly under pressure.Even in the world's richest country Switzerland, large -scale public demonstrations broke out in September this September, and asked for salary increases and pensions and other demands.

Energy, food and other daily needs almost rely on imported Singapore, and the impact is even greater.This topic has rarely debated for seven hours because of the opposition party's relevant motion in Congress.It is a good thing to pay attention to the life of civilians, but how to help the Chinese people relieve the pressure of living expenses and avoid more social problems.As for what kind of public transportation, hydropower, housing, medical care and other policies should be implemented, it is a policy level.Because the policy concepts are different, this can be publicly rational. The debate of my mother -in -law is not helpful to the emergency.The political or populization of the problem is also unsuitable.

The current countermeasures of the pressure of living expenses, first of all, it should be the timely launch of precision rescue measures for the right medicine.The accurate meaning is that measures must be able to help those who need help to help in order to avoid waste of resources.At present, Singapore has enough finance and social resources to do this.The government has the ability to implement emergency fiscal measures. Those who have high -income steps with good economic conditions and economic conditions can also play the effect of difficult support for one party.Vocational Capital Cooperative can play the role of flat -suppressing prices.

Secondly, it is necessary to review various assistance measures and supporting facilities that have been implemented. Do you achieve the expected results?Is there any shortcomings to make up or strengthen it in time?This requires practical tracking observation and data collection.Preliminary predictions show that due to the weak inflation and weak economic prospects, the actual median of local full -time residents in the first half of this year was 4.5%less than the same period last year, and the median number of nominal income increased slightly by 0.9%.Based on this, the middle and lower income class will inevitably feel the pressure of inflation.

However, the good news is that the inflation situation has signs of ease.According to official data, the core inflation has fallen from 5.5%in January this year to 3%in September, and it is expected that December will be further dropped to between 2.5%to 3%.The Singapore Financial Authority expects this trend to continue next year, and core inflation is expected to be from 1.5%to 2.5%.If it is incorporated into the impact of consumption tax, the core inflation next year is expected to be from 2.5%to 3.5%.

But according to the report of the World Economic Forum, the crisis of living expenses may last until 2025, and things that have risen, including various daily necessities, are unlikely to fall back. Therefore, low -income people will still beFacing the dilemma of actual income to catch up with rising living expenses.For this concern, Xu Fangda, the Minister of Communication and Minister of Finance of the Ministry of Finance, made it clear that the government understands the concerns of the Singaporeans and also prepares to provide assistance.Officials will pay close attention to the trend. If necessary, the government is ready to provide more assistance to Singaporeans, and it will be implemented in a fair, effective and sustainable method.It must be pointed out that based on the responsible and financial principles of non -debt, if you continue to increase assistance, there are only two methods of increasing taxes or using national reservations.This is a choice that must be faced with honesty when discussing countermeasures.

The government has eased the impact of international inflation on the Chinese people through different measures, including maintaining the competitiveness of the economy, creating a good work, and a significant tightening of monetary policies and strengthened the value of Singaporean currency.In September this year, the government also launched a supporting facilities for a total value of 1.1 billion yuan in addition to the fiscal budget measures.As of now, various assistance measures have covered all aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and it is also the most needed for low -income families, because the biggest expenditure of this class is daily costs.

Inflation pressure will continue for a period of time, and the government and society's assistance to low -income class must also be continued and in place.However, the resolution of living expenses must eventually start from the macroeconomic level, including boosting economic vitality, continuously attracting investment and manufacturing employment opportunities, increasing the productivity of workers through education and training, and increasing their actual income.