Vietnam, as the only socialist country in the world, is known as the four small tigers in Asia.Since the opening of innovation, taking global stools, the economy has maintained high -speed development, and has achieved world -renowned achievements.In the process of modernization, Vietnam has taken a modernization road with a specific color of Vietnam.

There is an unwritten rule in Vietnam's politics, that is, maintaining the political balance of North and South.Since the innovation, the core of the Communist Party has followed a pattern, and the political structure has implemented a "division of four powers."At the senior management of Vietnam's political power, the constant decentralization factor in the middle of the "four -driving carriage" is the north and south, that is, the highest power of the highest power maintains a certain degree of north -south balance.Generally speaking, the General Secretary of the Vietnam of Vietnam is held by the northerners and is responsible for party affairs and ideology. Vietnamese Prime Minister is held by the southerners and is responsible for economic construction. The President of the State is held by people in the central region, which is more symbolic.

Since the top ten in 2006, the reform of Vietnam's political system has further enhanced the status and role of Congress.Under this political architecture, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the President of the Communist Party, the President of the Government, and the Chairman of the Congress have power.The Communist Party has concentrated democracy as the basic organization principle of the party, and pointed out that denying that democratic centralism is to deny the Communist Party in essence.Although the decentralized power structure plays the role of power balance, it has weakened the traditional democratic centralized system within the party, which essentially shakes the status of the ruling party in the Vietnam Communist Party.

The power struggle in the Vietnam Communist Party is gentle, with no bloody storm, and the fighting methods are more civilized. This is the characteristics of Vietnam's politics.The Vietnam of Vietnam takes the ideological foundation and action guidelines of Marxism -Leninism and Ho Chi Minh.Ho Chi Minh's thoughts have strong humanistic colors, especially emphasizing the role of revolutionary morality.The strong sense of humanistic atmosphere in the party has a strong sense of revolutionary morality, weakening various brutal political movements of spiritual torture and disappearance of the body, and there is no large -scale cultural attack.

In the issue of class struggle, the major leaders of the Yue Communist Party are ambiguous and deliberately avoid class contradictions between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.Ho Chi Minh accurately analyzed, grasped the specific situation of Vietnamese society, properly handled national problems and class issues, and proposed that national liberation was closely linked to social liberation, but national liberation was higher than class struggle.

For other leaders of Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam, Marxism -Leninism is not a living science, but a fictional problem and solution.

From the perspective of the people of Vietnam, in the history of the History, except for the land reform in North Vietnam and the "expansion" of nationalization in South Vietnam, there is not much slot point, and the duration is not long. Later, they were corrected.EssenceThe land reform in Vietnam is not thorough. As a socialist country, it has implemented the privatization of land and real estate, and the household registration system is gradually abolishing.In Vietnam, almost every household has its own building, so the Vietnamese people have a high sense of happiness and a comfortable life.

The more the more the Communist Party has no heavy historical burden, and it will be confident without the burden, so the pace of Vietnam's political reform is very large.In cultural life, Vietnamese people are relatively lazy and free. They have no fanaticism of wealth. They lack the habit of saving money to accumulate wealth. The professionalism is not high, so the work efficiency is low.In the most developed Ho Chi Minh City, the total economic volume accounts for 30%of the country, with a high degree of modernization, and citizens yearn for exquisite petty bourgeoisie.

Historically, the period of Vietnam was deeply influenced by Chinese culture, and the agricultural economy was developed, and collectivism emphasized.South Vietnam has been colonized by France for a long time, the port is dense, the life is westernized, and the trade between Europe and the United States is very close.After the innovation and opening up, South Vietnam developed better with a market economy awareness and became an important base for the manufacturing industry in Southeast Asia.

Buddhism has far -reaching influence on Vietnam, and religious beliefs and ancestral worship are common in Vietnam.Vietnamese's houses are generally dedicated to the tablets of Buddhism, God of Wealth, and Elderly.The institutions or subjects of commercial activities will be worshiped by the God of Wealth. Most of the Vietnamese people treat Maitreya as the Hanzhong, or the shrine for Miller Buddha, Zhang Guo and Han Zhongli in the Eight Immortals.

Generally speaking, the northern faction concept is relatively conservative, and it is ideologically a more traditional socialist school. It adheres to the gradual and gentle reforms and has a more friendly attitude towards China.The root is deep, tending to imitate the development path of Western countries.

Driven by gold -worship, Vietnamese officials are extremely corrupt, and the people have a lot of resentment on this.The fields of electricity, banking, telecommunications, and infrastructure have become corrupted areas, and almost half of their funds have been corrupted by officials.The north occupy an absolute advantage in military and politics, and the south has an absolute advantage in economic and population.The more the Vietnamese economy develops, the greater the political power of the Southern School, and the higher the probability of Vietnam's completely westernized.

Vietnamese President Ruan Chunfu's resignation at the beginning of the year caused a huge shock in Vietnam's politics. It is essentially a political game between the northern and southern factions. The purpose of the struggle is to defend the political bottom line.Maintaining the political balance in the North and South and the political pattern of "separation of four powers" determines that the changes in Vietnam's political situation will not have a decisive impact on future economic development.Benefiting from the wave of international industries, in the next few years, Vietnam is expected to become one of the highest growth rates of GDP (GDP) in the world.

Let go of the historical burden and dynamically treat Sino -Vietnamese relations.After the completion of the internal power integration, the general secretary Ruan Fuzhong will increasingly emphasize the socialist line.China and Vietnam's ideological cooperation space is temporarily greater than the geographical contradiction between the two parties. The dispute between the South China Sea is expected to be processed.

The author is a scholar in Chengdu, China