Source: Rule of Law Daily

Author: Sun Tianjiao, Zhang Shoukun

Recently, the issue of "elementary and middle school teachers' extracurricular negative" issues have caused widespread social discussion.On social platforms, many netizens who claim to be primary and secondary school teachers say: In addition to being responsible for teaching, more time and energy are used to deal with tasks that are not belonging to their own jobs, suchPickup and wait.

According to the 2022 National Education Development Statistics released by the Ministry of Education, there are 201,600 schools in the compulsory education stage (primary school junior high school) across the country, 10.6546 million full -time teachers, 159 million students at school;There were 2.133 million teachers and 27.1387 million students in the school.

Is the overcurns of elementary and middle school teachers have become a common phenomenon?What is the harm?What caused teachers in primary and secondary school teachers to be negative?How to solve this problem according to law?To this end, the reporter conducted in -depth investigations and interviews.


Not long ago, Yu Tao decided to resign from the school.In August last year, in the public primary school in a township in Jiangsu, Yu Tao became a first -year Chinese teacher and class teacher. In the past two semesters, she felt "unbearable."

"The school will make statistics from the class teacher almost every week, such as statistics from students' household registration, statistical insurance participation, etc., as well as welcoming inspections to engage in hygiene, and even the community and insurance companies and banks are thrown to the teachers to do it.For young teachers, the school also requires to complete papers, classroom notes, experiences, hard pen exercises, etc., which takes up a lot of extracurricular time and makes it difficult for me to have time to improve their teaching ability. ", Made her very anxious, almost on the edge of collapse, and eventually, she chose to resign.

Yu Tao's experience is not an example.10 primary and secondary school teachers from Beijing, Shaanxi, Henan, Anhui and other places recently said in an interview with the Rule of Law Daily that they all said that there are indeed a large number of extracurricular accumulation except for daily teaching tasks.Some interviewed teachers said helplessly: "Originally, the teacher just wanted to teach and educate people. After it was when it was discovered, the teaching turned out to be the smallest part."

All kinds of affairs other than teaching are incomplete materials to fill the materials

"I graduated from education and graduated from education, and I have a lot of enthusiasm for being a teacher since I was a child. But after being a teacher, I found out that the front -line teachers are really hard."Xiao Man said that she had 18 lessons every week, coupled with the children in charge of many early reading, lunch, lunch, delay after class, etc., and the average daily work day in school was more than 10 hours.

But for her, teaching in class is the easiest, and the work pressure is more stressed. "It is irregularly assuted to check hygiene and not inform the performance of the deduction; the superior leaders inspect, visit foreign units, take care of them, prepare materials;City activities cooperate with publicity; important meetings and activities, all teachers in the school have to go to battle ... "

On social platforms, the reporter retracted the keywords with "extracurricular tasks of teachers" and found that there are countless elementary and middle school teachers who have talked about extra -curricular elementary and middle schools like Xiao Man.

Bing Miao, the head of the second class of a middle school in Shaanxi, before becoming a teacher, the expectations of the teacher industry are: teaching and educating people, simple work atmosphere, and holidays, especially winter and summer vacations.However, after the teacher, she discovered that reality and expectations were running counter -holidays were often arranged for various training; in addition to teaching tasks, the school also arranged a lot of additional tasks for the teacher, including various public courses and competitions (refers to teachers to teachers (referring to teachersAll kinds of competitions related to educational and teaching activities), selection of teaching plans, and cooperation with relevant departments to go to school to carry out publicity.

"These tasks are required to leave marks, and directly linked with the evaluation at the end of the year, resulting in incomplete forms and incomplete materials." Bing Miao has made it detail. Since the beginning of this year, it will organize the students of the class to organize the students in their class.Participating in hand -copying competitions, class culture construction evaluations, etc., you need to send various documents in the parent group every day and collect feedback, such as youth science popularization knowledge contests, youth myopia prevention and control knowledge and answers."Extra -school affairs have far exceeded teaching tasks, it's terrible!"

"A non -disciplinary public class, which can be said to have nothing to do with the teaching content. It took me a half of my month and a half. At that time, the normal classroom teaching effect was also worse."Wang Li, the class teacher of the grade, said that in order to participate in a public performance competition held in the district, the school leader directly told her that "teaching work can be put together and the competition is done first.""The first draft of the public class alone, I got the 10th edition. I will be left in the report progress every day.

"After the first draft is completed, it is to make courseware, and it is modified five times before and after. After the courseware is done, students must be organized to rehearse, lines, movements, small props production, PPT screening, external video recording ...After that, the leader asked me to write an experience with everyone and do a related public account.Coupled with the incomplete tables and incomplete inspections, the center of gravity has become increasingly biased towards non -teaching tasks.

Unbearable stress leads to physical and mental fatigue many teachers cry or even resign

"There are four to six lessons every day, and the pressure of preparation is very high. There is also a delay service after class after class. It must be two or three hours more than others to go home." Li Xuan is HebeiThe class teacher in the fifth grade of a elementary school is also the language and Taoist teacher of the two classes.To her helplessness, in addition to teaching tasks, she also has to take on the student's dormitory and guide the orderly food hall for the student cafeteria.I also went to the street to pick up the cigarette butt and clean it. "

"I can't sleep every day, I can't sleep, my body is very lacking, but I will think about how to go to class the next day, how to arrange the teaching progress of the two classes, thinking about it, and how to deal with all kinds of supervisors.I don't know what to say, "Li Xuan said."

The heavy extracurricular tasks have made many teachers in primary and secondary schools call "physically and mentally exhausted."

"Feeling teaching has become a teacher's sideline, endless trivial matters fill the teacher's work and life, and formalism even makes teaching no longer pure and pragmatic." Yu Tao said, "It is heavy, and the class hours are very large. At the same time, I also arrange for the school to teach labor, calligraphy, and Taoism.

Sometimes stress comes from some parents.It was impressed by Yu Tao. At school, a student was picked up by his mother. The father who came to pick up the child did not know. He abused Yu Tao for a long time on the grounds that the teacher lost his child.When she reported to the school on this matter, she only said, "I will be optimistic about the next time."

Bing Miao told reporters that under the accumulation of various complicated affairs, she and many colleagues around her are overwhelmed. More than a dozen teachers in the office have basically cried because of stress.Choose resignation without negative extra -curricular overcurrence.

"Now very unhappy." Mo Mo, who is currently the main teacher and class teacher of a primary school in Henan, told reporters that he felt very happy when he first taught in the township primary school and basically only focused on teaching itself, butAfter being transferred to school in urban schools a few years ago, she found that "everything has changed, and the teacher has to deal with so many extracurricular affairs outside of teaching."

"" Formatism is serious, and various activities and routine inspections have many requirements. When you encounter leadership inspections, it will also affect normal classes and take students to clean up. These situations are completely separated from my original intention."Momo said when he returned home.What about the teacher's peace of mind?

Responsible responsibilities and budgets become more and more widely reduced to career sense of career recognition

From the perspective of many industry experts, the problem of overwhelming education in primary and secondary schools has long been clues. In recent years, the educational and academic circles have been paying attention and appeal, but it has not been fundamentally improved, which is worth pondering.

Yao Jinju, a professor at the School of Law of the University of Foreign Languages ​​and Director of the Research Center of the Chinese and Foreign Education Law, said that according to the work of the work conditions of primary and secondary school teachers in 31 provinces such as Henan, Shandong, Guangdong, and Hunan, China, it is found that the actual working hours of primary and secondary school teachers per weekIt is 54.5 hours, far exceeding the "average working hours per week of no more than 44 hours per week".About three -quarters of the total time of work have been occupied by non -teaching tasks.A large number of non -teaching tasks such as meetings, home -school communication, inspection work, social affairs, school management, various APP punch cards occupy a large number of teachers' working hours and energy.

"This phenomenon is increasingly closely related to the long -term function of education. Excessive overstallion negatives not only cause teachers to decrease the time and energy of teachers in preparation and teaching. Teachers' teaching quality has decreased, and school teaching order is chaotic.In addition, reducing the sense of professional identity and happiness, hindering the development of teachers, and may even lead to extreme behavior of individual teachers to have adverse social impacts. "Yao Jinju said.

Cai Hailong, deputy dean of the Education Policy Law and Research Institute of the School of Education of the Capital Normal University, believes that this phenomenon actually reflects the existence of the management of teachers and their own professionals.The current teacher law provides the identity of teachers as "professionals who perform education and teaching responsibilities", and in practice, as people expect more and more and more and more, schools and teachers are required to bear more and more and more and moreGreater responsibilities and tasks.Especially for the dispatch tasks that are obviously unrelated to education and teaching, because there is a huge gap between the identity of the teacher as a professional, it is easy to make teachers feel "excessive extra -curricular".

Yao Jinju pointed out that the burden of teachers at the moment can be roughly divided into two categories. One is administrative tasks that have nothing to do with the academic union, and the other is special tasks related to schoolwork. The two should be distinguished.

"Administrative tasks that have nothing to do with academic jobs include welcoming inspection, formal teaching and research activities, and training activities. Most of these tasks are not for the purpose of teaching and educating people and teachers.It is required that "Yao Jinju" said that "Yao Jinju said that for such tasks, the" burden reduction list "should be strictly implemented. It is clear which work needs to be done by the principal, which requires the class teacher, which requires full -time teachers to do, which ones, which ones.It needs to be done by the school staff and which ones need to be refused outside the school.

Special tasks related to the academic jobs include repeated recording of experimental courses, a lot of time and energy for the selection of lessons.In strict sense, such tasks can be attributed to education and teaching aids. The task contains the evaluation and requirements of the education administrative department and the school on the education and teaching work of teachers. Teachers pay more time and energy to improve their teaching level, thereby improving the improvementTeaching Quality.It should be faced with such tasks, play a positive function, and continuously reflects and improves during the task process to improve its education and teaching level and ability.

Call for a task for reducing the burden on teachers of primary and secondary schools.

"As a high school class teacher, at the most critical time, you don't consider how to help students improve their academic performance every day, but to think about how to complete various extracurricular tasks arranged by the school, what is it called!"When it comes to extra -curricular negative, Qu Ping, a senior high school teacher in Anhui Province, will not be angry.

"In addition to normal teaching tasks, various publicity activities, various software registration, and various forms of forms need to be cooperated, participating in and even preparing for courseware.Some children parents work outside, and their grandparents will not be filled. The teacher will also be guided, making everyone annoying. "Qu Ping complained," How do teachers do their job well?/P>

Among all primary and secondary school teachers interviewed, Luoxi, an English teacher in a middle school in Beijing, said that "although the school has arranged some extracurricular tasks, it can understand and accept."

"Our school has a special media office, and there is no need to do teaching tasks. The school's conference materials and public account articles are responsible for them." Luoxi said that the school's staff has a complete structure, clear division of labor, and leadership.Many extracurricular pressures are divided, but there are always some tasks that cannot be avoided."At the beginning, I have also had a lot of pressure to sleep. Be a teacher, adjust yourself, and improve slowly."

It is worth noting that in recent years, the state has paid attention to the burden of teachers in primary and secondary schools.In 2019, the Central General Office and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued several opinions on reducing the burden of teachers in primary and secondary schools to further create a good environment for education and teaching.The assessment matters are concentrated and cleaned up, and the provincial party committees and governments are required to list the specific "burden reduction list" to reduce teachers' non -teaching tasks.

In 2022, the Office of the Education Supervision Committee of the State Council issued a notice on the prohibition of instructional tasks such as "raising fans", "evaluation" and "sales", which prohibit school stalls from faction and teaching in order to curb the trend of moving to schools.In many places, there have been measures and other measures such as teachers' burden reduction list.

But the burden reduction does not achieve it overnight.The national "double reduction" results survey report released in March this year shows that 60.3%of the interviewed teachers believe that after -school service workload is increased, and 70.9%of the interviewed teachers have called for reducing non -teaching burdens.

Momo bluntly stated that after the work experience of the five -year elementary school class teacher: After the relevant measures were introduced, some schools were just "doing things". Various conference discussions, mobilization, and meaningless innovative teaching methods were still coming.Leave the trace explained that the burden is not alleviated at all.

Faced with online discussions, a middle school teacher wrote on the social platform: "When can the teacher focus on teaching and educating people?"

(the teachers interviewed in the text are all pseudonyms)