The crisis of human society generally refers to an incident that affects the relationship between social operations and the relationship between various components in society; in the international community, crisis refers to those who will affect the development and evolution of the international structure and orderHistorical process.

World War II has brought tremendous changes to international power structure and international order.In that crisis, the anti -fascist alliance abandoned many differences in the dark moment of human society, and eventually formed an international united front, saving the world from fascism.After the end of World War II, British Prime Minister Churchill said a famous saying about the crisis when promoting the establishment of the United Nations: "Don't waste a good crisis."

After a crisis, the strength structure and order of the international community have changed. How to build the world with at least most countries and their people in the unbalanced power structure, and is willingThe international order that is struggling for it is a problem that needs to be extremely cautious and to be solved.Churchill and his colleagues in all countries in the world did not waste the crisis of World War II. From the official effect of the United Nations Charter on October 24, 1945, the United Nations has run for 78 years.In the past few decades, although the international community has also experienced many crises, such as the Cuban missile crisis, the oil crisis, and the international financial crisis, the changes in the international structure and order caused by these crisis are in terms of strength and speed.The United Nations is the core of international order.Overall, in the past few decades, the international community's handling of crisis has been successful. Although there have been during the war in local areas, there is no overall battle like World War II.

Now, human society has entered the third 10 years of the 21st century, and a new crisis seems to be formed.The Russian and Ukraine War, which broke out in 2022, accelerated the evolution of the international strength structure, and the intensity was rare after World War II.Russia, as the main successor of the former Super Power Soviet Union, conducted a modern war directly with Ukraine supported by the United States and its European allies.Until November this year, the war continued.The Russian and Ukraine War is more the result of the evolution of international power structure, which is a reflection of the contrast between the strength of the country.In order to consolidate the authoritative status of the post -Soviet space, Russia finally prompted the outbreak and continuity of this war.

The war between Israel and the Hamas armed for Gaza Strip in October this year has aroused the re -attention of the Palestinian issue, and the veto of various countries in the United Nations to the relevant issues within the United Nations, which has caused the international community to take the existing international law of international law.Core international order reflection.

Faced with this new crisis, all parties do not seem to intend to waste it.Russia wants to consolidate its own results, try to legally incorporate the occupied Ukrainian territory into its own territory, and the reverse line of Central Asian countries in the post -Soviet space, consolidate its authoritative position, and use the Palestinian issue to recover in the United Nations because of the reason for the United Nations.The "international morality" lost to the Ukraine War.

The United States hopes to continue to put pressure on Russia and bind Europe to itself through a war.On the Israeli issue, the United States tried to prove to the world again to prove the identity of its superpower in the way of "support", especially under the background of the "relative" decline in the United States.

Iran does not seem to be willing to waste this crisis. Although its international influence cannot be compared with the United States and Russia, it plays the role of behind -the -scenes pusher in the Harbin War.And accelerate the speed of its own nuclear plan and increase the chips negotiating with the United States.As the direct side of the crisis, Palestine has once again received international attention, and the "two countries' programs" have been placed in an important position of the International Affairs.

But Churchill believes that it is not a simple crisis that should not be wasted, but the "good crisis". From the perspective of the situation he faces, the trend of the crisis of World War II should be a way to condense international consensus again"Good crisis".After experiencing the pain of war, human society always hopes to obtain peace, which provides a strong foundation for the establishment and operation of the United Nations.

The question is that in the face of the current Ukraine crisis and the ris. crisis, are all parties using this crisis in the direction of consensus consensus?Is the conflict intensity caused by limiting the changes in power structure, or is it upgraded?Is it to maintain the international system with the United Nations as the core and the international order based on international law, or is it tearing it?If these questions are not answered, the use of the crisis will only be exchanged for more and greater crises.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute