The latest batch of drug approval documents released by the National Drug Administration of China last Friday (January 26) showed that the oral version of the hypoglycemic pharmaceutical Division Division Meridot was approved for listing, and the use was to treat type 2 diabetes.

Smeglugin peptide was developed by Danish Pharmaceutical Corporation Novo Nord, which can stimulate insulin and glycipulose secretion, delay gastric emptying, reduce appetite, and achieve the effect of hypoglycemic.Because of this effect, Smegugi peptides are almost equal to "weight loss artifacts" in non -diabetes patients.

Smeglugin peptide injection entered the Chinese market in 2021. Although it has not been approved for weight loss indications, it has been popular as a weight loss god medicine in specific circles.

A sales expert told science and technology media 36 氪 that 60%of the drug flows to those in the Smegugu peptide market in China, only 40%are used in diabetic patients, which leads to Samegugu peptide often sellInsurance, diabetic patients are available without medicine.

It is conceivable that after being approved for listing without injection, there must be more people with more super adaptive diseases, and medicines that are not supervised or guided by doctors will inevitably bring greater risks.

During the weight loss magic medicine?

In 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Smeglugin as a weight management drug, and Smeglugin peptide extended from clinical anti -sugar drugs to the weight loss industry.Tesla founder Musk revealed on the social media in 2022 that he lost 9 kg by controlling eating and using Wegovy.

Tesla's founder Musk revealed on Twitter that he achieved the goal of weight loss by fasting, using Wegovy, Ozempic, and far away from delicious food.Everyone pays more attention to the Smeglugin peptide injection of weight loss medicine wegovy and hypoglycemic ozempic.(Internet)

Wegovy is the English product name of Simei Gutu peptide weight loss indications. As a explosion of Nuo and Nord, it sold $ 3.154 billion (S $ 4.23 billion) in the first three quarters of 2023, a year -on -year increase481%.Nuo and Nord's market value also rose 45%last year, becoming the highest market value company in Europe.

The American Institute of Diabetes is listed as a drug with Smegutan peptide as a "very high weight loss effect". The overweight and non -diabetic people injected 2.4 mg of Samegugan peptide per week, which can reduce weight by 14.9%.

This trend has also been introduced to China.In 2022, Novo Nord's GLP-1 drug, that is, Simer Guting's Chinese sales reached 3.7 billion yuan (S $ 690 million), a year-on-year increase of about double.

Who brings Huosi Gugt peptide?

The use of this drug as a weight loss indication is not approved, but it is very easy to buy such drugs online.On the e -commerce platforms such as JD Pharmaceutical, through online consultation, describing the illness and explanation of allergies, etc., you can "deceive" the prescription to buy medicine.

On e-commerce platforms such as JD, you can buy Smegugu peptides higher than the price of hospital channels through online consultation.(Internet)

But more often, buyers will choose micro -business and purchasing, because the purchase record will affect their medical insurance.The report of 36 氪 pointed out that the middle -aged elites of the financial circle and the venture capital circle have accepted Weishang from goodbye.

Reporting a drug dealer with a pseudonym as Yu Bai as an example: Last year he spent nearly 2 million yuan to participate in the "private directors" with a threshold of various types as high as hundreds of thousands, exposed to high net worth groups, developed himself, developed himself, and developed himself.customer of.

Customers add his WeChat, showing that after buying the medicine, they will receive science popularization articles, medication notes, drug prices, etc. The customer leaves the address, transfer the transfer, and then the courier will be delivered to the door.

Yu Bai claims that most of his users have high acceptance of new things. Many people have left school and have a certain economic foundation.He said: "China's top 10 VC/PE (venture capital institutions and private equity funds) have nine partners who bought medicines in me. Those investors have made hundreds of thousands of yuan in me because of myThey want to buy group P. " Non -official channels to buy Simergugi peptide are not cheap.The price of hospital channels is 1.5 ml of 580 yuan a price, and when purchasing e -commerce, it can reach 650 yuan, and the oral pharmaceutical purchase price can reach 1,000 yuan to 2,000 yuan.The frequency of medication can be one shot or one daily, or once a week. quoted a dealer who provided purchasing purchases that the oral Somera peptides circulating in the mainland market had come from Japan and Europe, with tight supply and high prices, and most of the drug buyers were high -net -worth individuals.The report of 36 氪 pointed out that at the high -end business dinner, only the topic of health can become the largest convention. The report quoted a investor and said, "taking medicine is the one I have the highest investment yield now."

ordinary people step on the pit

In June last year, Smegugu peptide applied for the listing of weight loss indications to be accepted by the China Pharmaceutical Supervision Bureau.Although it has not been approved, the news was added to the social platform to add fuel and vinegar on the social platform, and the previous high net worth individuals with goods. This expensive way of weight loss has also begun to break the circle among ordinary people.

The attitude of taking care of the body and spending over the cold in the cold winter, ordinary people are more hoped on the weight loss effect of Smegugu peptide.

A patient with high insulinmia told the First Finance that he was in a patient's group, but almost half of the group only wanted to lose weight and buy medicine through real patients instead of being really sick.The patient said: "Most of these people in the group are young people, and some are girls who are pursuing 'slim'."

On the social app little red book, search for "Smegugu", and there will be many experiences of using this drug to lose weight.(Internet screenshot)

The patient revealed that he had provided a girl with a needle "Nuo He Thai"."After that girl took a shot, the weight dropped directly from 110 pounds to 100 pounds, resulting in amenorrhea." Nuohe Thai is the product name of the injection of Someguptide.

As the saying goes, "it is three -point poisonous medicine", the side effects of Smeglugin -nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension and abdominal pain are common, and some people say that they feel emotional after medication.These side effects brought greater risks when they are informal channels and no doctor guidance.

Another case reported by Caixin Weekly is a woman with severe depression and anxiety.She used emotional fluctuations after half a year after Smeglugin, and the doctor suggested that the medicine immediately stopped, but she was unwilling to stop.After adjusting the dose under the guidance of the doctor, the symptoms of depression improved and the effect of weight loss.If you use the medicine yourself, the risk is unimaginable.

AnotherThe side effect is a rebound.Alyssa DomingQuez, an endocrinologist at the University of Southern California, told Caixin that the drug is valid for patients to continue to increase after stopping the drug.

But a "medicine selling medicine" who was unannounced in the Beijing Evening News promised to the customer that it would customize the injection plan according to his height and height and "guarantee not to rebound."

Another ox reported by the report said when guiding the injection, "Don't be afraid, just like a mosquito, it doesn't hurt very much. You can pinch your skin and tilt 45 degrees., Inject it to the muscle layer "

Some netizens commented, so they guided the needle on the Internet at will, it can't help but shudder.Some people have questioned whether the propaganda and goods of oxen will be easier after the oral medication is listed?At the same time, the posts shared by the drug on social networking sites still have many people asking how and where to buy.

Indeed, from the increase in health risks brought by the increase in the number of obesity in China, or from the body anxiety brought about by social aesthetics, it is natural for the market to have demand for weight loss drugs.However, in the case of obtaining drugs outside the formal channels and lack of doctor guidance, with the endorsement of the "rich man love", the wind and the wind and the prescription drugs are sold as a weight loss medicine.Essence