The term of less than 10 days from the November 17th period of the Temporary All Appropriation Act of the House of Representatives in the United States, the federal government once again faced the countdown of the countdown. The new speaker Mike Johnson recently showed a relatively soft figure and actively conducted intensive consultations between the two parties.The House of Representatives led by the Bayeon government and the Republican Party are also closely negotiating. The Republican Party requires that before continuing to assist Ukraine, it will strengthen the security of the United States, including restoring the US -Mexico border fence project built in Trump's era and increasing the threshold for foreigners to seek asylum.The Biden government vowed to continue to support Ukraine's Anti -Japanese War, and was unwilling to weaken Ukraine's military forces to lead Russia to victory in the case of haha.As a result, the Democratic Party strongly opposes the House of Representatives to exchange US border security with the aid plan of Audi.

After being dismissed by the former Speaker McCarthy, the Republican House of Representatives House of Republican House of Republican House of Republican House of Republican House of Republican House was eliminated after the former speaker McCarthy was dismissed, and three failed candidates were eliminated.Johnson, who stands out, is the vice chairman of the Republican Conference of the House of Representatives. In 2016, he was first elected as a federal member of the Federal Representative.He has always been low -key and can emerge after many twists and turns, reflecting the severity of the division within the Republican Party.

Johnson is regarded as a member of the Republican President Trump's camp. Democrats believe that he is one of the "masterminds" of the overthrow of overthrowing elections after the 2020 presidential election.After the outbreak of the Harbin conflict, Johnson led the House of Representatives to support Israel by cutting the budget of the Taxation Bureau, which made the Democratic Party dissatisfied, but it showed that he was skilled in planning; Democrats also accused him of being unfavorable to the American people's intention to reduce social security and medical expenditure budgets.Because Johnson was quite low -key before, it was not very clear in terms of policy and political stance. Outside the Republican and House of Representatives, most people only knew that he was extremely right and conservative, but the real background was still unreasonable.

It is reported that the Bayeng government communicated under the countertop in the early stage and found that Johnson is not as tough as expected, especially in continuing to assist Ukraine, which is different from his previous opposition.Johnson's colleagues pointed out that as a newcomer of the Constitution, as a newcomer of federal politics, he is carefully balanced and fierce.They believe that Johnson has shown a very sincere gentleman's demeanor so far.In the past few weeks, the White House has also had a similar reflection in the contact process with Johnson, showing that Johnson's posture has helped him and the White House to establish more consensus.

The first challenge after Johnson took over is to resolve the budget ride on November 17.The former Speaker McCarthy was fired because of the coordination of the transition budget to avoid the federal government's suspension and was accused by the Republican population.Johnson and the House of Republican Republican Party are now promoting a continuous resolution. Budgets are allocated in two stages in December and January next year to avoid government paralysis.

Johnson, a newcomer of politics, "accidentally" ranked among the third power in the United States. The elasticity and balanced attitude displayed won some public opinion in the United States.Trump's right -wing populous power represented by Trump has always been high with his lawsuits, showing Trump's strong political energy to a certain extent.Johnson's superiority shows that Trump's possibility of resurgence next year will increase.

The first agenda after Johnson took office was an absolute majority, through supporting Israeli resolutions.He used all the subjects of the long -term national policy of the United States to successfully start the first shot of appointment.The United States is still facing the risk of risks of the Russian and Urotic War, the risk of overflowing the conflict with Harbin, the continuation of the US -China game, and the tension between the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. Not only that, many domestic issues in the United States are even greater.

Is Johnson be able to support and dominate the agenda of the Congress. It cooperates with the White House in major affairs involving foreign interests to settle the differences in the party and fight for the Democratic Party.Will it be paralyzed again? In the middle and long term, US diplomatic decisions and international influence may be controlled.Especially once Trump enters the White House again, how Johnson should balance Trump's wayward governance style is a major challenge.If he can go through the level, he is 51 years old, or he is expected to become the star of tomorrow who is severely torn in American politics.