In the preliminary election of the United States Republican presidential candidate, facing the crushing whirlwind of former President Trump (77), Nikki Haley defeated.The selection of New Hampshire did not let Heili as expected, otherwise this would be a late "birthday gift" that had a 52 -year -old birthday on January 20.

Heili is still losing, and she is still actively running. Courage is unhappy, but it is generally not optimistic about her subsequent actions. It is only time for time to give up the competition.NSW voters' positions are gentle and tend to liberalism, and there is no chance of Heili.South Carolina is conservative, and it is even harder to win.Next, in the primary election of February 24th in South Carolina, there was no obvious advantage for Heili, who had served as the governor of this state, and Trump led all opponents in the country's polls in the country, and was no exception in South Carolina.

Heili is an elite school in the Republican Party. He was born in Indian immigrant families. He served as governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017. At that time, he was the youngest governor of the United States. From 2017 to 2018 during Trump's ruling period, he alsoAs the United Nations Ambassador.She has a wealth of administrative experience and international contact, and has always emphasized that she is "a conservative conservative" within the Republican Party.However, the political image of Heili's independence, mildness and high education is non -mainstream, tune and widow in the party.

Heili announced in February 2023 that he would run for the Republican President's primary election. Until now, he can't afford the trend. To put it bluntly, he lacks political charm.In conservative positions, it is not as good as Trump with radical speech and crazy style.Analysis before the election said that even if Heili won the first election of NSW, her victory (or success) model was difficult to copy in other states.Because in other key states, local Republicans generally pay more attention to religion. They are not high education groups and accept and like Trump's style.

"Age Brand" cannot resonate with Hily Trump's political opinion.

During the campaign, Heili claimed that he had the ability to solve gender and ethnic problems in a more reliable way, positioned himself as a firm defenders in the US interests, and criticized Trump's management style to be too chaotic and split.What he was impressed by Heili was that she constantly questioned (or indirect attack) Trump (77) and Biden (81 years old) age, psychological quality and health.Heili always emphasizes political candidates over the age of 75 through the media, and should be selected through psychological ability testing.It turns out that the main "age card" cannot resonate within the Republican Party.

Analysis compared Heili and Trump's political opinions, and found that the argument between the two was not far away.For example, the two also opposed abortion; Heili called for "closing" the southern border of the United States and suggested that he would send troops to Mexico to deal with drug trafficking groups; she suggested raising retirement age and maintaining national health care benefits.In addition, Heili wants to abolish President Biden's climatic method of hundreds of billions of dollars in green energy subsidies.These are similar to Trump's initiative.

However, one of Trump's favorable factor is that Heili cannot be compatible.During the four years of presidential President, Trump has always played the United States priority slogan, such as allowing the United States to withdraw from the Milestone Paris Agreement and Iran Nuclear Military Agreement; build a fence at the border between the United States and Mexico to block illegal immigrants;Japan and South Korea) undertake a part of the U.S. military expenses.

Although Trump's approach makes allies angry and aroused criticism in many countries, the domestic Trump support group is very happy, because what Trump has done to fulfill his promise to supporters, and at all the maintenanceThe interests of the United States and Americans.This also illustrates why Trump sought a failure of re -election. Today, four years later, despite the lawsuit, there are still so many loyal supporters.

It is certain that the preliminary election of NSW is a highlight moment for Heili to compete for the Republican presidential candidate, and her road to move forward.