Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Li Jiawei

Lan Baihe seems to be seriously stuck in the way of presidential candidates.In the first round of the two sides, the preliminary primary plan was thrown out of the national tone and open selection.As the registration time is urgent, the possibility of opening the primary election has gradually disappeared.In the second round of plans, Ke Wenzhe, the candidate of the party's president, still adheres to the whole people's tone, but as long as the support of his own support is the deputy to give up within the scope of the error;Combined with the category of personal comparison polls.However, the two parties seem to be close, but they actually get away.

The model that Ke Wenzhe insists on is basically the same model as the US presidential "winner" model.He believes that the best candidate to generate a fair model is the basic bottom line, otherwise it will be split.The biggest problem in this model lies in the winner of the winner. Because of the current system of Taiwan, the presidential power has great power, and the deputy can only be prepared, and there is no substantial power in the constitutional government.As a result of the whole people's tone, it is almost equivalent to staring twice. Although the small party can be small and big, for the big party, it may be full of ink, and the bet is too large.The result of this defeated king, the cooperation of the common concept, goal, and important positions, of course, it cannot show the spirit of power sharing.

Ke Wenzhe held a joint government forum with cross -party scholars a few days ago. He clearly pointed out that the core of the current constitutional issue is the super presidential system of winners.Closer to, including the consent of Congress must also agree to form a joint government.Although he severely criticized the president's "winner", he replicated the logic he hated by the national adjustment of the National Tune of Blue and White.

The Japanese and German models in the second round of the Kuomintang have been corrected to the whole people, and it has more meaning of the cabinet system, which echoed the aforementioned claim.The cabinet system emphasizes that most Congress forms a government. The concept is the principle of implementing the majority of democracy. To put it plainly, it is to distribute political power in accordance with Congress's political strength.More importantly, the cabinet system is essentially a concept of power sharing. Especially when all the parties of Congress cannot be half half alone, they must cooperate and compromise with other political parties.People are alone.Ke Wenzhe also believes that such a model will not cause the election atmosphere of killing, which will help reduce social opposition.

The German model or Japanese model proposed by the Kuomintang, the former is included in the support of the people's support for political parties, and the latter emphasizes the influence of potential parliamentarians; in any case, consider the importance of the collective political strength of Congress, not just relying on individualsThe dominance of light, this is exactly the division of the cabinet system and the president, and it is also a blind spot that the whole people cannot see.The Japanese model seems to be beneficial to the Kuomintang, but if the German model must be beneficial to the Kuomintang, I am afraid it is too much.

The Shen Yan of the constitutional system flip the logic of thinking from the system, and is completely compatible with Ke Wenzhe's hope to form a new political culture.Moreover, Ke Wenzhe has also supported the cabinet system and the United government. There is no reason to say that it is necessary to share and emphasize the cooperation of compromise cooperation in the cabinet system.Today, the reason why Blue and Bai is difficult to match is that there is a common goal but still cannot kill the spirit, not because it is difficult to get rid of the old thinking of "winner all"!

Taiwan's political culture needs to be reshaped, and the extreme confrontation of politics and elections must also try to resolve, but this is by no means relying on the mouth that it can be achieved.To change the problem of excessive power of the current president, we must move closer to the cabinet system, turn the political culture, slow down the social confrontation, and get rid of the blue -green fighting. The first step is to start with Ke Wenzhe's own change.

The author is the Associate Researcher of the National Policy Research Foundation