Source: Hong Kong 01

01 Review Editor Room

Architectural Design Awards, Golden Restaurant, "Charity Village", Pickup Basketball Stadium ... Speaking of Hong Kong Rainbow Village, there are many things that are commendable.In the middle of next month, it is the 60th anniversary of Rainbow Village's opening ceremony.At this time, the Housing Committee finalized the reconstruction of Rainbow Village, and 7,400 households would be affected.

After the fire of Shijiewei, the Hong Kong British government built a migrant building on the one hand to resolve the safety problem of building wooden houses in real time.EssenceThe first batch of Beijiao Village and Xiji Village were completed in 1957 and 58, followed by Suwa Village and Rainbow Village in 1963.After the years, North Point Village, West Ring Village and Suwa Village have all been disassembled or rebuilt, and only the remaining Rainbow Village stands.

Since the Government Work Department was busy building a building in the early days, the Housing Construction Association was all an external architect responsible for designing low -rent housing villages.North Point Village is written by Ganji, and the design of Suwa Village also has the participation of Situ Huihui and Lu Shouqian. Rainbow Village is responsible for Bamana, and won the first annual award set by the Hong Kong Architects Society.The space for natural ventilation and lighting, alternately facade, the floor of the southern China building, and the daily life of the residents of Rainbow Village in the past 60 years.

You can live in peace, you can also be happy

Of course, talent is the most beautiful landscape and the soul of the community.From Niuchi Bay Qiuji to Jinbi Building in Rainbow Village, Jinbi Restaurant has become a collective memory of more than a generation.The Dongzhu Ruan Qiu once actively participated in the housing village fundraising competition with the neighborhood, which made Rainbow Village have won the reputation of "Charity Village" many times since 1979.He also has the establishment of the Rainbow Village Service Federation, and has been elected district council for five consecutive sessions.It can be said that the Rainbow Village that year has already practiced the work of regional governance and caring team now.

It is not just that 11 buildings can stand up. The community of Rainbow Village can experience the baptism of the years.The Housing Committee sold its housing and village property in 2005. Rainbow Village is a small number of protection.Although the base shop does not renovate and flood the chain store like other housing malls, when others face the pressure on the leasing of the pilot exhibition or the capital capital, the small merchants in Rainbow Village can have room for breathing.Golden Restaurant, Li Yingjie Watch Watch, Qichang Office and other old stores have survived so far, and the memories of a generation have also been retained.

Create a big deal to create a bigger affairs

This housing village, which once made people live in peace, is one of the oldest communities in Hong Kong. The average age is as high as 55.9 years, and the median income of more than 17,000 yuan is also compared with the average level of Hong Kong.Low 10,000.With the 2021 Policy Report proposed to rebuild Xihuan Village and Matouwei Village, Rainbow Village was only a matter of time.Where did the old neighborhoods who have lived for decades, how to plan the land of Rainbow Village must be considered by the Housing Committee, the Housing Department, and even the housing bureau.

More importantly, sixty years later in Rainbow Village, whether Hong Kong can still create a community that can live in peace -residential environment and the times instead of "nano".Small business has room for survival instead of being exploited by capital speculation.Of course, this is not only a matter for the director of the Housing Bureau, but also the director of the Development Bureau, but also the deputy director and director of the Financial Secretary.