Source: China Youth Daily

After the National Day holiday and his parents went to Sichuan this year, Liu Yu secretly decided to not do such a "hard -working" thing next time.

Hotels, tickets, itineraries ... Before departure, parents said, "Listen to you", but after ordering, they have all kinds of problems, and they can even be angry.After a bunch of specialty restaurants to check in, parents' fixed feedback sentences are "so expensive, what are the deliciousness, or our family is good"; wake up at 7 am, "special forces" punch in the whole process, without holiday relaxationFeeling, Liu Yu feels more "tired" than going to work."I think the gap between my parents and my parents and I have a lot of gaps, which leads to everyone's unhappiness in this trip." Liu Yu said.

"How to travel with parents" has become a hot topic in social media.Some people talk about "traveling with parents like being sentenced to punishment", some people share the wonderful moments of the sea sunrise at the sea with their parents, and some people listed in detail the "no quarrel" practical strategy.What magical sparks are easy to collide with light people and their parents?Is the contradiction caused by the differences in conceptual differences really "unsolvable"?

I and my parents and I travel pace "Disaggment"

Ding Wei is a "senior player" traveling with his parents. From an adult, he will travel with his parents five or six times a year on average.Towards the "Green Ganxiao Line".When I was young, my parents often took Ding Wei to travel.After growing up, the planning and implementation tasks of travel naturally fell on Ding Wei's head. "Parents will no longer make strategies and buy tickets."

Although traveling many times and familiar with each other's habit, Ding Wei still "does not synchronize" with his parents from time to time.The most contradictory is the concept of consumption.Sometimes it appears in the early stage of strategy, such as booking a hotel.Parents ask for breakfast, good environment, and comfortable living. The most important thing is that it should not be too expensive.Ding Wei often takes a few hours to compare it carefully to choose a relatively satisfactory hotel.And mothers often think that the hotel booked by Ding Wei is too cost -effective.When traveling to Sanya, Ding Wei wanted to book a sea view room, but his mother felt that it was cost -effective to save 300 yuan more.Ding Wei was puzzled: "After a while, do you spend 300 yuan more to see the sea?"

In addition to different ideas, some parents will perform "blood suppression".The post -95 girl Chen Xinyu felt that the most difficult thing to go out with her parents was that they often clamped the "righteousness" in the trip.

When you go out to play in the summer vacation, Dad will ask Chen Xinyu when he is waiting for a car at the station.A boyfriend can come out and play together.She believes that she should be happy to pay attention to landscape food, "I don't know why they must destroy a beautiful atmosphere."

"Sometimes it is not young people who do n’t love to travel with their parents, and parents do n’t want to go out to play with young people.” Cheng Liu, who worked in the “big factory” for two years, lamented that he worked in other places and had a rare meeting with his parents.She had germinated the idea of ​​taking her parents to travel together, but because her parents had not retired, time often couldn't get up.More importantly, whenever he proposes to go out and play together, the mother often expresses different opinions.

"My mother thinks I went out to play before." Cheng Liu said helplessly.Cheng Liu likes to travel for vacation. It mainly focuses on time and relaxing body and mind, but her mother feels that it is necessary to make full use of time when traveling. The iconic attractions must be available, and local specialty dishes must also taste it on the spot."She doesn't like that I usually sleep at noon, take takeaway in the hotel, eat supper late at night, and like to get up early and get up early." For this reason, Cheng Liu and his parents have not been able to go smoothly.

When traveling, parents are more "let go of themselves"

After traveling together, Gao Anxin seemed to have a new understanding of his parents.When she initially proposed to travel to Guilin together, her parents said that they "don't want to go" because the travel is "tired and expensive", which is "spending money to buy crimes."Until the plane landed, Gao Anxin found that the old couple actually "loved and play", and even had some "out of control".She had done a good strategy, where to eat, where to go shopping, and where to visit ... However, her parents seemed to let go of herself, completely ignoring her "careful calculation" arrangement. They felt hungry and found a family in the attractions.The restaurant eats, and the order is "expensive and not delicious"; when you see a specialty shop, you can buy it when you enter the door without considering the cost -effectiveness; she is calling an online car, but her father has talked to the "black car" driver. The price has been talked about ...… Of course, it is frequently "stepping on the thunder". In this way, under the leadership of his parents, he became a silly tourist. The strategy of doing his heart failed to come in handy. Gao Anxin felt "angry and funny."

The "flying self" of the old couple is limited after all. When the tour group is added to the other elders at home, it is the real test.During the National Day holiday this year, Zhao Siyang took his parents, uncle, aunt, and cousin to go to Xi'an to play together.Zhao Siyang played the role of the "leader". After asking the opinions of each family member, he made a strategy, ordered the hotel and air tickets to arrange the events on the journey.However, even so, some small frictions are inevitable.

Zhao Siyang told the China Youth News · China reporters that what made him most embarrassed was that his father liked to eat fried dishes on weekdays, and he also liked to drink two small wines when eating.The family members are rare to travel together, so my father is particularly interesting. Every meal allows Zhao Siyang to arrange restaurants that can eat fried dishes, so as to "drink a few more cups" with me.Due to some objective reasons, Zhao Siyang failed to be like his father's intention. The two were awkward. The next day, Zhao Siyang could not bear it, and arranged a "crime seat".Zhao Siyang told reporters that in fact, he also understood that his father was so "willful" about "eating cooking" and "drinking a few cups", not only because of his own habits, but also based on the mood of entertaining relatives. "Although I am because of my because ofWorried about his father's body, he didn't want to let him drink, but he didn't want to sweep him. "Zhao Siyang said.

Resolve contradictions, think about "why travel with parents"

Although there are many contradictions with their parents in their travels, when Gao Anxin saw her parents cheerfully, she looked like a circle of friends, and felt that these did not seem to be important."They can come out to play with me, I am very happy." Gao Anxin told reporters.

"In fact, I also feel very happy to see a big family lively together. I am very willing to take them to travel together in the future." Zhao Siyang said.

Ding Wei also feels that contradictions are episodes, which will not affect the ultimate mood."Take your parents out, I am quite happy, they are also happy, and they feel that they have daed different cities with me."

In Ding Wei's view, many young people are unwilling to go out to play with their parents because the lifestyle and philosophy of parents and children are natural."Many children have not even lived with their parents since college or even earlier. Parents' lifestyles stay in their generation. The way children understand the world and channels are constantly being updated, and they are naturally prone to contradictions." Ding Wei said.Essence

How to reduce this contradiction?Ding Wei feels that the most important thing is to think clearly: why take his parents out to play.

"Are you filial piety to accompany your parents and take them to the world? Or would you like to treat them as your own travel?" Ding Wei felt that if it was to accompany his parents, then young people could not just use the "good" they thought "good."As a measuring scale, you must also see the habits and preferences of your parents, let alone" I take you out for you, you must follow me. "Under the premise of mutual respect, choose the way parents can accept as much as possible.

If GreeceHope to become a "tourism" with parents, pay attention to the difference between the concept of parents' life."In daily life, young people and parents have different concepts and habits, but the travel scene has further enlarged this difference." Ding Wei feels that if the difference brings the unhappiness of the difference has exceeded the happiness of the travel itself, thenThere is no need to continue traveling together, just play each."Even if you are friends of the same age, you may be unhappy when traveling together. Traveling with your parents, happy with each other is the most important!"