Source: Guangming Daily

Author: Dong Zhenbang

Tourists board the boat with tickets, enter the box according to the ticket number, and the old objects with a sense of age make people pass through in Wuhan in the 1930s. At this time, tourists have become passengers.Several young men and women tell their stories without any man and women. When you are curious whether it is a live actor or a video, he suddenly finds that he appears in the picture.Hubei Province's key innovative cultural tourism project's immersive performance site has gradually become a new cultural tourism business card in Wuhan since its performance.

In recent years, the trend of immersive cultural tourism has gradually risen.New experience in cultural tourism stimulates new demand for consumption, and new space for cultural tourism will be released.The development momentum of immersive cultural tourism and the development of new models is becoming stronger. The reason is worth exploring.

Satisfy people's new expectations for interaction and experience

"Immersive feels the autumn romance of the ancients", "immersive experience of the four seasons of the Beijing central axis", "immersive crab", "immersive jewelry storage", "immersive explore class" ..."Related topics often attract attention.

What is "immersive"?How does it get angry?What kind of deep logic is there?

Immersing, the original meaning refers to immersion in water, and the metaphor is completely in a certain realm or ideological activity. It is fully focused on something, which can be extended to "forget me."As one of the hottest online buzzwords in the past two years, "immersive" was born with the development of new technologies such as the Internet, big data, and virtual reality, and has been given different connotations with widely used various scenarios.According to the different experience forms, the "immersion" mainly includes two types: one is to make a new world by building and creating real or virtual scenes, such as real people CS;AR and other media make people immerse in a certain situation or event from the first perspective, such as food exploration store videos.

The reason for

"immersive" explosion is that its "innate" interaction and experience, which meets the new expectations of contemporary young people for a better life.

Specifically: On the one hand, "traveling and fancy", "big water -filled mission", "dragonfly -style water experience", etc., can already meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people., Deeper, pursue a sense of interest and experience.Under the promotion of this demand, immersive performing arts, immersive night tour, immersive exhibition exhibitions, etc. bloom everywhere, immersive classrooms, immersive reading classes, immersive training, etc.Space, immersive experience hall, immersive non -heritage base, etc. make various experiences deep and vivid.On the other hand, with the improvement of the material living standards of the people and the diversification of information dissemination channels, people's new needs are continuously stimulated.The burst of new media such as live broadcast and short video, because of the real -time interaction of live broadcast, the real sense of the first perspective presentation of short video presentation, it is also the immersive experience they present, surpassing time and space, and satisfying people "the world is so big in the world., I want to see the strong desire.

In short, "immersion" through integration technology, wisdom, creativity, etc., or restore the historical scene that spans time and space, or outline the magical dreams beyond reality, or create a platform for new and old things, or build a real -time interaction platform to create a platform to create to create a platform to create to create a platform to create a platform to create a platform to create a platform to create a platform to create a platform to create an interactive interactive platform to create a platform to create a platform to create a platform to create a platform.Interactive space and narrative space allows people to immerse themselves in specific situations, atmospheres and themes, and then obtain sensory stimulation, spiritual pleasure, and inner filling.The "immersive" provided with the senses of visual, hearing, touch, and smell, as well as the emotional experience of narrative and story, and the pursuit of spiritual experience.With various audiovisual effects, a different experience in physical and mental effects.

Expand the connotation of tourism drive consumption upgrade

"It is Xi'an during the day, and Chang'an in the evening". Walking into the Datang of Xi'an, there is no night city, a group of prosperous Tang Dynasty, which makes people feel like passing through.Tourists in Tiannanhai to meet for thousands of miles; in the Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum, the experience space of the real proportion and the background of the story, digitize and visually present the historical style and cultural heritage of the millennium canal.The Grand Canal with a full time and full -scale perspective; and in Pingyao, Shanxi, large -scale experience dramas are also seen in Pingyao. The first walk -type watch -type viewing mode is not available in the theater. There is no stage. The audience watched and followed the development of the plot.Walking in different performance scenes, the audience is both a spectator and a person who has been outside the story.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released a demonstration case of 20 immersive cultural tourism new formats.20 cases cover the fields of immersive performing arts, immersive night tour, immersive exhibition display, immersive district/theme entertainment, etc., use immersive expressions to give full discovering cultural tourism resources, so that outstanding traditional culture will glow in new era,Show a new look.

The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" tourism development plan proposed that "developing digital experience products, new tourism services such as immersive interactive experience, virtual display, and smart guides"', Interactive immersive tourism performing arts and other technology research and development and application demonstrations ".For a period of time, departments such as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism have accelerated the development of immersive tourism.Following the release of 20 immersive cultural tourism new business demonstration cases, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism also carried out the recommendation selection and cultivation pilot work of smart tourism immersive experience new space, and announced the first batch of 24 project list selected to promote national smart tourism national tourism tourismThe development of new space industrialization, standardization, and large -scale development.

Throughout the relevant demonstration cases that are generally welcomed by the masses, immersive cultural tourism has expanded the connotation of tourism and driving consumption upgrades. This is also the charm.

Tourism, in simple terms, is the sum of the phenomenon and relationship caused by the travel and temporary residence from the residence.In the traditional sense, tourism includes six elements of "eating, living, traveling, traveling, purchasing, and entertainment", which focuses on going out to visit, sightseeing and entertainment.The immersive cultural tourism represented by the relevant cases announced by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the connotation is much richer. Of course, it is also the meaning of the integration of cultural tourism.From the content of the content, there are all kinds of immersive cultural tourism related to history, culture, revolutionary culture, and ecological culture: not only the twelve hours of Changan, which not only restores the life of Shengtang Jingjing, but also travel, touch, considerable, listened, explore, adventureDinosaur era's Beijing World Garden Park Plant Adventure Exploration Experience Exhibition, more three -dimensional intuitive restoration of the scenes of the Long March and showing the lofty and energetic Chinese government history exhibition hall ("Long March" immersion experience, Feiyue theater) wisdomNew space for tourism immersive experience.From a formal point of view, "technology and harder" such as 5G, ultra -high -definition, augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and Yuan universe show vividly: large red stage drama Chongqing · 1949 unique multi -dimensional immersive indoor dynamic stage, the entire stage, the entire stageIt is composed of five rotations that can be rotated at 360 degrees. The acting space is interspersed with the intercourse of the viewing space. With the development of the plot, the position of the perspective is constantly changing to generate a new experience;Using "air imaging", the natural group fog that changes the light and foggy mountains as a projection imaging carrier, reappears the thousand -year -old Mi Cang culture and Bashan back two song cultural heritage on the 300 -meter cliff.Immersed in the plot experience.

The immersive cultural tourism through the integration of cultural tourism and the combination of reality and reality allows tourists to get a new experience. Tourism consumption also from the "business, raising, learning, leisure, love, strangeness, strangeness, strangeness, strangeness"In -depth tour, interactive leisure transformation.Promote the brigade and travel with the text, and the upgrade of tourism consumption can not only meet the growing expectations of the people's growing good life. At the same time, it is indispensable for promoting the development of cultural heritage, telling Chinese stories and enhancing cultural self -confidence.The role of replacement.

Author is associate professor of Guizhou National University