On October 7, the Palestinian armed group Hamas launched a terrorist attack on Israel, causing more than 1,400 people to die and captured more than 200 hostages, shocking the world.Israeli quickly took revenge, bombarded the Gaza strains controlled by Hamas, and recently sent ground forces to Gaza to clean up Hamas members.

The UN Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Department quoted data from the Gaza Health Department that in just one month, the number of deaths in the Gaza Strip has exceeded 10,000, including 4104 children and 2,550 women.In addition, Israel cuts off the food, water, drugs and fuel supply of the Gaza Strip, leading to more than 2 million residents in the predicament of material deficiency.

Although the international community calls for Harbin to stop immediately to avoid exacerbating the crisis of humanitarianism, the hope is slim.Israel and Hamas insist on their opinions in the order of release hostages and ceasefire.Israel vowed to clean up Hamas, so that it would never have the ability to attack; Hamas's ultimate goal was to destroy Israel.

The geopolitical geopolitical in the Middle East is complicated. With the rise of Iranian in Shiite, the regional domineering position of Saudi Arabia, which represents Sunni, the traditional contradiction of the Pakistan has retired.Except for Egypt and Jordan, which established diplomatic relations in the 1970s and 1990s, the United States led and acquiesced by Saudi Arabia. Since 2020, the UAE, Barin, Sudan, and Morocco have joined the Aubraham Agreement with Israel.After mediation by the United States, Israel is discussing the establishment of diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.

After the outbreak of the Harbin war, Saudi Arabia interrupted the negotiations.The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Arabia stated that it resolutely opposed the migration of the residents of the Israeli forced Gaza Strip and called on it to dismiss the blockade of the Gaza Strip.In order to maintain the image of the Islamic world leader through verbally, Saudi Arabia also called with the Iranian President Leich, emphasizing that it is necessary to comply with international humanitarian legal guidelines and oppose any attacks and injuries against civilians.

Harbin conflict has not only disrupted the United States' attempt to use the Abraham Agreement to strengthen Saudi Arabia's plan to make Hengmo Enemies in Iran. Iran also used the Harbin conflict to instigate the supported Lebanese Albon and Yemenhoto armed forces to attack Israel and the Middle East.Stir up the old hatred of geopolitical in the Middle East.

The U.S. Department of Defense pointed out that since the Harbin War, the U.S. military in Iraq and Syria has frequently attacked.From October 17th to November 3rd, 17 and 12 attacks occurred in Iraq and Syria, respectively.In order to show that Washington's full support for Israel and preventing Iran from intervening in Harbin conflict, the United States increased its military deployment in the Middle East.However, if the scary failure fails, the conflict will be upgraded.

In addition to the Middle East, the Harbin conflict has increased the risk of terrorist attacks and ethnic splitting.Vice Premier and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai pointed out on November 6 that from the perspective of humanitarianism, the disaster of Gaza was terrible and unbearable.People's emotions are inevitably provoked, especially in the era of social media, people will publish pictures, videos, and stories online, arouse emotions and sow the seeds of dislikes.This may turn the distant conflict into an emotional problem, and it is easy to get out of control.

Huang Xuncai revealed that Singapore's security agencies have recently noticed the anti -Singapore remarks released by extremists in this region, including violent threats to Singapore, and the traffic of related websites has increased by three times.Fisher, Minister of the Ministry of the Interior and the Minister of Government of the Ministry of Development, said that the police received a report of offensive words and deeds to the local Jewish or Muslim community in October this year, which is equivalent to the total number of reports of incidents in the first nine months of this year.

This highlights the risk of overflowing by Harbin, especially for a country that is a diverse race and religion in Singapore.In dealing with the ethnic issue, Singapore has always been as thin as the ice to ensure that it is harmonious and religious that it can be harmonious and religious, and will not be eroded by external factors.The National Park Bureau has rejected five related activities to this day; the Ministry of the Interior also warns that they must not tolerate any behaviors that support or publicize terrorist activities, including the sign of showing Hamas or its armed units.

In the era of social media and artificial intelligence, the war is not limited to the battlefield, but the public opinion field is also a must -fight for short soldiers between the two sides.Chinese people must be vigilant about various cognitive wars.Singapore is resolutely opposed to terrorism and supports sovereign countries to exercise self -defense on the premise of compliance with international law and war law.After Congress's six -hour debate on November 6, Chao Ye achieved consensus on this position.Next, the official may explain this position to the Chinese through grass -roots organizations and religious groups to ensure internal unity.