Source: Taiwan United Daily

United Daily Black and White Collection

Before the Kuomintang's National Conference, the conspiracy of "changing Hou, pouring Zhu" continued.The secret meeting of the Standing Committee of Kou Guo Zhong leaked the wind, and seemed to see the dying, which was to create a trend of Chu Ge.The secretary of the secret club is Zhou Dian, the Speaker of the Kuomintang Pingtung County. He denied that he was worried about the downturn and advocated "non -green integration" as soon as possible.Speaking of integration, Zhou Dian has a great experience. Last year, he elected him with Pan Mengan, the old comrade of Green Camp Pan Mengan to help Zhou Chunmi win the DPP's comrades to win the county.

The Democratic Progressive Party has been in power in Pingtung for a long time, but Zhou Dian discusses the three speakers and is also a local hegemon.His two daughters were in the mayor of Pingtung, and the third daughter was the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang. It is rumored that the younger daughter intends to fight for the blue non -partition legislature.Guo Dong was able to set off in Pingtung, and the Zhou family was at home.

Hou Youyi was summoned to visit Zhou Dian, and Zhou explicitly told: Guo Dong did not accept Vice President and Legislative Dean, reminding Hou Youyi to think of the consequences of "Guo Ke with".After Ke Wenzhe rejected Guo Dong's merger and acquisition, the Zhou family traded to "change", which was similar to Guo Taiming's independent election to open the gongs and advanced step by step.

Guo Dongliang's Jianjian Kuomintang, Zhou Dian is one of the main military divisions.What is intriguing is that his former people of the same boat Pan Mengan were the military divisions of Laiying.Look at the two phases, so ambiguous.The three -footed bureau, Ke Wenzhe may have a chance; but if the Quartet Merchants is destined to be Lai Qingde's stable win.

I wanted to be the chairman of Zhu Lilun's party at the beginning, and also rely on Zhou Dian the first king; unexpectedly, it became the side of the couch to raise tigers.Under the packaging of non -green integration, I saw the local faction of power transactions. It seemed to help Guo Dongming repair the plank channel.