Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China and the General Administration of Customs announced on July 3 that in order to safeguard "national security and interests", from August 1, export controls on related substances related materials.Both metals are important semiconductor materials. In the future, exports must be submitted to the Ministry of Commerce for review.The US Department of Commerce immediately stated that the United States "resolutely opposed", emphasizing that the United States will negotiate with partners to solve this problem.

The Ministry of Commerce of China stated that the relevant objects of 商 and 锗 have obvious military -civilian dual -use attributes, and the implementation of export control is an international approach.It is understood that the compounds of 镓 are high -quality semiconductor materials, which are widely used in the optoelectronics industry and microwave communication industry; 锗 is also an important semiconductor material for manufacturing transistors and various electronic devices.According to a report by the European Union Commission in 2020, China accounts for 80%of global 镓 and 锗 output.

Reuters reported that according to customs data, the largest importing countries of Chinese products in 2022 are Japan, Germany and the Netherlands; the largest importing countries of 锗 products are Japan, France, Germany and the United States.

In general, China's big moves specifically targeted at the United States, Japan and other countries are learned from the United States and Japan."Reasons" are copied: "based on national security and interests."Because just a few days before this operation in China, a number of heavyweight foreign media reported that the United States intends to expand the control of AI chips to export mainland China.It may even be a "A800" AI chip that was originally developed in the Chinese market. The weight of the "A800" AI chip is almost equivalent to killing.The CEO of Huida Huang Renxun earlier and warned the US government that this may "lead to a permanent opportunity for the US industry" and obviously did not work.

Not only that, the news pointed out that the United States may also require mainland companies to use the AI computing cloud service platform of American cloud service providers such as Amazon and Microsoft, which must be approved to be used before they can be used.There is no trace of loopholes, which is also a big move to kill.

In the face of a trick of a trick in the United States, China has finally counterattacked, and it is ruthless enough. The largest supply in the world such as 镓, 锗, and other metals is almost all arranged by China.In the case of, this is equivalent to the elasticity of the supply nearly zero. Once the stock is broken, it is equivalent to blocking the source of the US and Japanese sanctions.The Chinese and American scientific and technological warfare and industrial warfare hit this point, which is already a knife.The world will pay attention to, when will such a struggle be in the bottom of Hu, when will the fight?

Our views tend to be pessimistic. In the foreseeable future, we will still endlessly, and the benefit will be fierce.Three reasons, first, the mutual recruitment between China and the United States has entered the stage of revenge, and it will logically enter a "spiral rising" orbit, interacting, mutual stimulation, and no possibility of elimination.There is no motivation to find "down steps".

Second, the two sides seem to be evenly matched.The United States started a trade war in China. Since the Trump administration in 2018, has the United States won five years?The excuse for the United States to launch a trade war in China is the "301 clauses" in the past.This weapon that has been invented since 1974 has run more than 100 times so far, and has failed.For Japanese semiconductors and Japanese automobile industries, one sacrifice 301 clauses, Japan immediately yielded; outside Japan, Europe was not spared.Only this time, in response to China's tariff war, China's trade surplus in the United States was getting angry.In addition to trade, the scientific and technological strength between China and the United States also seems to have a fight. As long as the strength is close, this struggle will continue.

Third, and more importantly, the reason why we use the concept of "economic war" is because it is a general term, including various struggles such as trade, technology, industry, and finance;It is a part of the military, space, system, value, geography and many other fields. They are just one part of the contradiction or game of the two Chinese and the United States.The dispute between the second child has a result, otherwise all the struggles will continue, and all countries in the world, various fields, and enterprises in the world need such psychological preparations.