The 2008 Malaysian election set off a "political tsunami", allowing the national front of the central government at the time.After that, there will be different "tsunami" or waves of almost every election, including the "Chinese tsunami" in 2013, the "national tsunami" that caused the Barisan Nasional to fall in 2018, and the 2022 election of the Islamic Party on the East Coast."Green wave", or "green tide".

This time, the Malaysian Six State elections were more than eight months before the election last November. People generally pay attention to whether the "green tide" is rippling, waiting for another wave of stormy waves.

With the repeated depreciation of Lingji, the price of prices, and inflation, a plate of economic rice changed from RM1 of Rings 10 to "Furniture Rice", and a new term appeared in the six states elections -people complained tsunami.This people's grievances come from the city or the rural areas, and the Chinese or Malays have deeply felt the pressure of high living expenses.

The current economic problems of Malaysia are not all due to the unity government led by Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anhua. After all, after all, more than three years of crown disease epidemic blockade, Russia and Ukraine conflict, and the Sino -US game.The impact of the environment is in a state of downturn, and Malaysia is no exception.However, the biggest problem of unitying the government is that when the election last year, the economic topic frequently explained things and boasted Haikou. If the Anwar leader government, which was rated as the best financial minister in Asia, the Malaysian economy would be great.At that time, the leader of the Democratic Action Party said that at that time, the status quo will be reversed. It is no longer that the Malaysians will come to Singapore to be foreign workers, but the Singaporeans will be a foreign worker in the Malaysians, causing controversy.

Anhua did boosted market confidence after serving as the Prime Minister, and both exchange rates and stock markets rose.Helplessly the global environment has not improved much, Anhua wants to be weak. Recently, the RMB exchange rate has repeatedly refreshing low, and the stock market has continued to decline. At this time, the six states elections have been elected, allowing the opponent's national alliance to seize the opportunity and promote the Anhua government to save the economy.Weak.

Compared with issues such as greed and integrity, the economic and people's livelihood issues that are closely related to the people's three meals are the key issues that voters are most concerned about and can best affect voting emotions.Although Anwar announced the measures of revitalizing the stock market on June 19, including reducing the stamp duty of stocks, simplify listing procedures, and encouraged small and medium -sized enterprises to go public, the market responded coldly, and some people even criticized the relevant announcement of "thunder and heavy rain points". In the short term, in the short termCan't see the effect.

Economic problems cannot improve overnight. People naturally understand this, but when they see their own spending power, when the depreciation of the ringgit declines, voters may not be so rational and other Anwar government will "slowly come".In addition, the National Alliance has been ridiculed by the side, saying that after Anhua came to power, the country did not become better as everyone's assumptions, and voters were likely to vent their dissatisfaction through votes.

This is the biggest challenge of the Anwar government and the Pakatan Harapan in the six states.According to the current situation, Anwar could not take immediate measures to assist the people in responding to economic pressure.

The voting date of the six states has been set in August. If the Anwar government has not had better countermeasures, it means that the "people's complaint tsunami" will slowly ferment for a month.At that time, what kind of huge waves will this shareholder's grievance will be noticeable.The most likely situation is what Kelly, the Avant -General Department, which was fired from UMNO, said that the UMNO will "pack" in the six states elections, which means that the entire army is overwhelmed.

Although the results of the six states do not affect the central regime, if the rise of the National Alliance and the decline of UMNO, the political situation in the future of the unity government, the Pakatan Harapan, Anwar, and Malaysia is far -reaching.The power of "people's complaints" cannot be underestimated.