Where should the minister live?This problem seems a bit strange.The storms of the two ministers renting black and white houses are boiling, highlighting the progress of Singapore's democratic society or retreat?

On the rare island country of this land, black and white houses are a special existence, and the Chinese are familiar and unfamiliar.They are not large, but they can be seen in many corners.The historic buildings left in the colonial era can be preserved to this day, or they can exert business value, or for rent.The government is an owner. Whether it is a wealthy businessman or a senior official, it will not be available to spend more money.

The Minister of the Internal Affairs and Minister of Justice Shang Morgan and Dr. Victoria, Dr. Wei Wen, who were unable to live in the original mansion, and lived in black and white houses that had been vacant for several years, and no one asked about it, causing suspicion.My first feeling was that the minister spent the rent to live in black and white houses, not upgrading but downgrade.

The Secretary -General of the Renewal Party issued a post on May 6th on May 6, questioning why the two ministers rented the 10th and No. 31 houses at Ridout Road, the 10th postal area, because they wanted to rent such state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -owned state -ownedThe industry must pass through the public bidding of the Civil Management Bureau. According to his understanding, "rent is not cheap."

A few days later, the media asked the media to inquire that the No. 26 Lai Road was leased to Shang Morgan in June 2018.Before that, this property was vacant since December 2013.No. 31 Laidao Road, which was leased to Vivian, has been linked for more than six years since July 2013.The Earth Management Bureau said that the bid price issued by Weiwen in November 2018 was higher than the reference rent, and the reference rent did not disclose to him.

The response from the Turkish Management Bureau just opened the presence for the next storm to lay a foreshadowing for the July Congress debate.

Shang Morgan rented black and white houses at a rent of 26,500 yuan per month. The affected people were questioned whether he rented the high -quality houses he had in order to earn the rent and rented the black and white house.

Shang Morgan bought a high -quality house according to his lawyer's income.After becoming a full -time minister, he reduced his salary sharply, and decided to re -plan the finance because he didn't want too much savings to be tied to the house.Dr. Wei Wen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, decided to rent a black and white house for the three generations.There are four children in Weiwen, from the age of 17 to 34. Two of them have married, adding two grandchildren to his family.Where the two ministers want to live, they were originally personal. In order to answer people's doubts, they had to disclose their ideas.

The black and white houses rented by Shang Morgan were originally 9,350 square meters, but because he took the initiative to propose the maintenance cost of adjacent to a land, the Civil Management Bureau also incorporated the land into his lease and set up a fence around it.The rental area was increased to 23,164 square meters.Shang Morgan said in an interview with the Lianhe Zaobao and the New Tonsen on July 4: If you know that the rent of black and white houses will attract social attention, he will insist on not allowing the Tukan Bureau to not include additional land into his lease contract.inside.The problem is, is the "additional land" that the Turkish Bureau is willing to take care of it, is it the official practice or an exception?Have you used similar examples before?On the other hand, with the expansion of the lease land area, it also means that the homeowner must do its best to take care of his land.

Many false news and malicious comments have been circulated on the Internet, such as the Turkish Management Authority awarded millions of yuan to the company's company, and the ministers who lived in large houses were disconnected from the general public.Former Member Li Meihua did not change the true nature of something straight. He posted a video on Facebook, and he was not in trouble for Shang Morgan. He said that he was a great person and was "black and white" by others. She was distressed.She said that it was not worth investigation at all, nor should they debate in Congress.

Shang Mogan said: "Today's political atmosphere, the behavior of the behavior may not be attacked." When the integrity of political leaders becomes the focus of discussions in the society, it is no "good person" with him.What is the relationship.The government can ignore it as a boring topic, or it can also be carefully investigated and clarified any doubts about the people.The government chose the latter, which is the government's style.In the beginning, Premier Li Xianlong did not think that the two ministers were inappropriate for renting black and white houses: "Singapore paid the minister to the actual and competitive" Clean Wage ".It is a personal choice. Therefore, I don't think that the minister is wrong with renting a house or renting a house from the Turkish Management Bureau. As long as it is handled properly and obey all procedures. "He has" absolute trust "for the two.

During the subject of the Congress debate, although MPs agreed, the rental process did not involve corruption or illegal acts, but the opposition members still clenched the "observation" problem.The minister lives in the mansion that it is "out of the masses", and the black and white houses are "poorly observed." Where should the minister live?The involvement of the Anti -Corruption Bureau and the six -hour debate of Congress showed that the government attaches importance to the "perception" of the Internet and the people, and the government has once again reiterated the political culture of the ruling party.Premier Li emphasized that "honesty, integrity, and integrity are the values of Singapore." As for "observation", I am afraid that people are still cloudy.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the ruling party that defends cleanliness politics as its responsibility, eliminates the efforts of corruption, and sets a high standard for the morals of the courts and the country.The opposition party also stared at the ruling party with the strengthening of strength. This "monitoring" is a benign relationship of democratic society.Political figures are inevitable, especially in the online world, people who are interested in want to provoke right and wrong at any time.

The integrity of political leaders and civil servants from the people's perspective reflects that clean politics is already an institutionalized political values.Singapore's system is a special existence internationally, and outsiders may not understand the debate.