Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

Since the release of the youth unemployment rate (16 to 24 years) in mainland China, it has caused widespread discussion after it has exceeded 20 %. In fact, not only the mainland, the countries such as Taiwan, the United States, and France also have this problem.What is more worrying is that everyone only knows the disadvantage of the rising unemployment rate, but it is not necessarily a good thing to reduce it. It is most likely to convert the problem into another form and hide it in another corner.It's even bigger.

Why are the unemployment rate of youth?Because they have just graduated, they are put into job search ranks, and because they have no work experience, the running -in process also causes a high rate of flow.The unemployment rate in Taiwan in May this year was 3.46 %, the youth unemployment rate (15-24 years old) was as high as 11.2 %, the U.S. unemployment rate in May was 3.7 %, the youth unemployment rate reached 7.4 %, and the euro zone youth unemployment rate reached 14 % (France 17 17%, 22 % in Italy), which shows that the unemployment rate has a high phenomenon in all countries and regions.

From January to May this year, the unemployment rate in mainland China was 17.3 %, 18.1 %, 19.6 %, 20.4 %, and 20.8 %. It increased by month, which is indeed a problem compared with the same period last year.However, at this moment is the graduation season. The increase in the unemployment rate of youth is mostly a seasonal factors. From the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics of the mainland, if there is no accident, it will be higher in June and July.Lively discussion.In any case, when talking about the unemployment rate, we must always have the concept of seasonal factors, otherwise it will be misjudged.

There are also more than 100,000 graduates in Taiwan at this moment. At this moment, taking 2019 before the epidemic as an example, the Youth unemployment rate was 11.2 % in April, and it rose to 12.7 % in August.9.5 %, from 12.0 % to August, because the students were "non -labor" when they were on campus, and they would not include the calculation of the unemployment rate. When they walked out of the campus, their identity turned to "labor force". ThereforeHigh, it is a natural phenomenon.

Compared with the unemployment rate of youth in the mainland as high as 20.8 %, Taiwan has only 11.2 %, and it has been roughly stable for more than ten years, but we cannot think that the world is peaceful.In fact, their dilemma is only converted into another situation. Although they are not presented at the unemployment rate, they are hidden in salary income, working pattern, and job search cycle.Various relationships, silent but continued to erode Taiwan's stable cornerstone. Honestly, the situation has not improved, but it becomes worse. We have the following three observations:

First, one -fifth of young people engaged in atypical work: Most people want to find a full -time job.The proportion is still as high as 20 %.Perhaps, many college students use maternity work to push this ratio. However, in addition to college students, we can also find that there are more and more young people who are engaged in non -typical work in Taiwan today. This is increasingly trend.It is the helplessness of the environment, but also the helplessness of young people.

As the work type changes, although young people have become employment, the youth unemployment rate is eased, but is these atypical work really their original life planning?Do they learn to come in handy?Are they happy?These are hidden outside the unemployment rate. From this we can see that although our youth unemployment rate is lower than that of Europe and the mainland, the situation may not be good.

Second, the substantial income of young people is less than 20 years ago: Since this year, the substantive total salary of Taiwanese people has grown up. Everyone has heard of it, but it is finally a little bit more than 2000. Unfortunately, the young employees are now employees of young people.The substantive income is still less than 2000.Based on May 2022 as the basis, the main actual income of the monthly main work of the youth in 2022 is 28,908 yuan, which is less than 29,471 yuan in 2000. This shows that the salary purchasing power of young people today is not as good as that of 2000 at that time.Young people, the fruit of more than 20 years of economic growth, most young people have not enjoyed.

In all fairness, the government has increased basic wages in almost the years, which is helpful for some young people who receive basic wages, but for the basic salary, it is still a low salary.Only to have the phenomenon of negative income.Today, these young people have jobs, but from the changes in their salary, we have to say that this is a great dilemma, and it is the predicament of the indicator of the youth unemployment rate.

Third, the number of unemployment weeks of the first job seekers has been extended to half a year: most of the young people who go out of the campus to enter the labor market are the first time in their lives to find a job.Observing the difficulty of their employment. The number of unemployment weeks in the first five months of the first five months of this year has risen to 26 weeks, which is higher than the 24.7 weeks of the same period last year. Although the consumption is still active this year, as the export declines, young people are young people, young people are young people, young people are young people.Finding a job is bound to be more difficult than ever.

For governors, young people are important. Whether they can employment is particularly important. However, we cannot just look at the rise and fall of the youth unemployment rate.To restore the truth with problems, you can understand the distress of young people.We believe that the employment situation of youth in Taiwan is still difficult today, and there are more and more people with aspiration to extend. In addition to raising the basic wages, the government must have more actions.