Since China ’s reform and opening up in 1978, the growth rate of domestic GDP (GDP), which has been five consecutive years from 2014 to 2018, has exceeded China, becoming the fastest -growing country in the world’ s major economies.However, since the fourth quarter of 2018, India's economic growth has slowed down, with a growth rate of 5.3%in 2019, 6.1%in China.In 2020, India's growth rate was 6.6%, and China was 2.2%.As the economic growth slows down, India, which is "prosperous in the National Games", has ushered in four luck, and the economic growth of the economy has continued.In 2021, India's GDP increased by 8.7%, and China was 8.4%.India increased by 6.7%in 2022, and China was only 3%.All sectors forecast that China's economic growth rate in 2023 is about 5%, while India may be as high as 7.4%.

The intensification of strategic competition between China and the United States is India's largest strategic opportunity.Prime Minister Modi is the third head of government visits to the United States during the US President Biden (the other two are French President Macron and South Korean President Yin Xiyue), and they are also the first to visit the United States in the United States during the office.Non -ally head.During his visit to the United States, Modi also enjoys the treatment of American allies -a speech in the US Parliament.China is a key reason for the continuous development of the United States and India relations.The Biden government regards India's most important partner to curb China's rise.With the encouragement and support of the Biden government, Apple and other American companies have invested and built factories in India. Since 2021, the United States has replaced China as India's largest trading partner.The sensitive content of high -tech and advanced weapons in the United States has successfully "desensitized" in India relations.

In May last year, Biden and Modi announced the "key and emerging technical initiative" (ICET) of the United States and India to guide the two countries to cooperate with advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), semiconductor chips and quantum computing to use national defense to defenseTechnical cooperation in the field is particularly important.On January 31st this year, Salvin, assistant to the US President's National Security Affairs, and Indian national security adviser, Dorwal, officially launched the initiative in the United States.The US Secretary of Defense Austin and Shalvin visited India in June, aiming to promote Modi's visit to the United States, the two countries signed more cooperation agreements in the field of high -tech and advanced weapons.Indian diplomatic secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra said the US -Indian defense relationship was "strong and vibrant."


The Russian and Ukraine War that broke out in February 2022 further expanded India's foreign strategic space.After the outbreak of the war, the United States and Western countries imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia.Although India keeps a distance with Russia verbally, it still maintains a strategic friendship with Russia.India purchases a large number of discount oil, coal and fertilizer from Russia, surpassing China to become Russia's largest energy exporter, and Russia has become India's largest energy importer, accounting for about 25%.This has greatly expanded India's energy import space and is also conducive to the Modi government's anti -inflation.India has repeatedly rejected Russia during the United Nations voting.Instead of sanctioning or criticizing India because of this, Western countries have increased their efforts to attract New Delhi to prevent pushing India to China and Russia.

The crown disease has made India one of the biggest beneficiaries of the "China Plus One" strategy.After the outbreak, the "supply chain elastic initiative" of Western countries landed from the slogan as a policy.In order to effectively reduce its dependence on Chinese manufacturing and Chinese markets, Western countries have implemented the "China Plus One" strategy.India is the world's largest population. It is friendly and stable with Western countries. The Modi government is ambitious and effective in reform. These factors make India an ideal country of "China and One" strategy.India's actual use of foreign investment rose from US $ 24.3 billion in 2013 to US $ 71 billion in 2022, an increase of 290%; the global business environment rose from 142 in 2013 to 63 in 2022.Therefore, all circles believe that India is no longer a "grave of foreign companies."

The era of mobile Internet has made India's wisdom.In the book of Protestant Ethics and Capitalism, Weber profoundly revealed the close relationship between culture and economic development.India is a country dominated by Hindu.Hinduism has similarities with Catholics: the social grades are clear and strict, despise material life, and follow the rules.Hinduism has greatly restrained the development of the Indian economy.However, the popularity of the mobile Internet in India has opened the wisdom of the bottom of India, so that a large number of underlying Hinduists have awareness of competitiveness and market consciousness, and provide India with the labor force required for modern economic development.The manufacturing 2.0 "strategy will only be a high -rise building based on the beach.

As the saying goes, luck is coming and unstoppable.Scholars are always exploring the inevitable laws of the rise of the country, but ignore some of the luck factor that can be encountered and unavailable, and the important role in the rise of the country.Without the Korean War, the history of the rise after World War II will be rewritten.Without the Great Depression, it would be difficult for the industrial output value of the Soviet Union to become the first and second in the world on the eve of World War II.Without World War I and World War II, it would be difficult for the US dominance to be as firm as it is now.The Modi government has ushered in a rare period of strategic opportunities in Indian history. It is very likely to rewrite the historical process of India and change the international pattern.

The author Guo Bingyun is a associate professor of Sichuan Foreign Studies University Ran Lingling as a graduate student in a comparative system