The Supreme Court of the United States on June 29 with six votes and objection to three votes, and ruled that American universities were banned from using race as considerations during the enrollment process.On June 30, the same votes also decided that companies can refuse to provide services for same -sex weddings, and at the same time, the president has no right to reduce student loans on a large scale.These rulings have caused a huge response in the United States. Liberty believes that the social progress movement has been retrogs since the 1970s. Conservatives believe that it is the chaos of the mainstream value of the United States anyway.Harvard University, one of the defendants, agreed to obey, and stopped to increase the number of students in specific ethnic groups through equal rights measures.

Private Harvard University has been accused of applying for the application of Asian students with excellent discrimination in the enrollment process for many years.Disclosure of white and Asian.Most of the opinions written by the chief judge Roberts pointed out that although the equal rights are "goodwill", racial discrimination is unconstitutional.He said: "You must treat them according to the personal experience of the students, not the race." This interpretation is in line with the spirit of the independent declaration of the important literature of the United States.According to any collective concept, arbitrarily discriminate against specific people.

This is the principle of equality between the United States based on personal rights and legal fairness.However, with the rapid development of society and technology, the gap between the rich and the poor has continued to intensify, and some of the "goodwill" left -school social justice movements are educated and pursuing the negative impact of the expansion of wealth and gaps.In the process, the original equalism was gradually disrupted by radical egalitarianism. It emphasized personal responsibilities and "opportunities equality" from the same legal rules, and alienated into the use of institutional power to deliberately realize "consequences".In order to increase the number of white and Asian students, Harvard University and others reflect fairness and abandon the objective and fair academic standards. It is the embodiment of this radical ideology.

Western saying: "The road to hell is often paved by goodwill." The enrollment measures have created greater injustice when pursuing equality.White and Asian students who have personal efforts have encountered discrimination because of their skin tone against political correctness, and they have lost their chances of enrollment; blacks, Latin and Aboriginal students who meet the enrollment standards are "correct" because of their skin tone, but their own efforts areIt was misunderstood by the outside world as "walking the back door" and was wiped out by injustice.The New York Times reported in 2017 that 67%of Harvard students came from 20%of households in the United States, 15%of which came from 1%of families with a maximum income; only 4.5%from the lowest income family.If you want to pursue equality of results, you must also increase class discrimination outside the race. Such a constant considering new division of factors, cure silk benefit, Yi Yuhu?

Family income background does allow students to face injustice in competition, but institutional discrimination is obviously not an ideal answer.Solving the phenomenon of inequality is always a major political problem. The conservatives of the United States have accused the egalitarian side support of the equivalent movement, and the opportunity to subvert the opportunities of the United States.In the 20th century, the international communist movement vowed to eliminate inequality, but in the past few decades, the killing and blood flowed into the river. In the end, not only did it fail to do so, it also produced a more terrifying injustice of totalitarianism.Therefore, based on personal rights, emphasizing personal responsibilities and opportunities for equal opportunities, although it is not a perfect solution, to apply the evaluation of Western democratic systems in World War II British Xiangxiangqiu, after all, it is still the "most bad" approach.

U.S. President Biden over -caters to the claims of extreme left in the Democratic Party has exacerbated the universal social confrontation since the former President Trump. The folk filed a university enrollment discrimination lawsuit and a ruling of the Supreme Court, reflecting the strong ability to correction in the United States.The political counterattack of the mainstream society returns to traditional values, indicating that the influence of the ideology in the United States is now declining from the peak.The US Supreme Court ruled in June last year to terminate the abortion rights to be protected by the Constitution in the past 50 years, showing that the struggle of these two forces has disappeared.

In view of the strong global soft power of the United States, the impact of this series of rulings in the Supreme Court must not be limited to domestic.The European and East Asian equal rights movements, especially feminism and gender politics, which are implied by American popular culture, and exactly what to go in the future.