Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Wu Chonghan

The Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Education launched the "3+1 Plan" to allow the service men to complete university studies within 3 years, and the remaining 1 year was soldiers.Coincidentally, Vice President Lai Qingde also proposed that the main force during the war was volunteer instead of voluntary service. Obligations were preparation for troops, and work was to protect infrastructure construction and urban and rural areas.The above two events are mainly to attack young votes during the election stage.However, in the eyes of educators and ordinary citizens, not only the policy discussions are flawed, but they also face many difficulties in implementation.

From the perspective of the "3+1 program" of the university, although the service men can choose to graduate for 3 years, most departments have not yet been supported in curriculum design, teacher distribution, and summer planning.For example, if the compulsory courses and subsequent courses are blocked, many students will use the basic compulsory courses that have not yet been practiced or rebuilt, and they need to be rebuilt during the summer.

At present, you are indirectly influencing the amount of teachers of each school, and it is difficult to make full -time teachers or add a large number of teachers to open a large number of summer courses.In addition, the current semester of Taiwan is too long, and the schools still need to take 18 weeks of courses to seriously squeeze the summer start time; even if the national universities led by Taiwan and the University of China have started the 16 -week course, but look at the entire Taiwan.It is really not suitable for students to use the summer summer plan.

In addition, the current schools have the planning and distribution of dual -main repairs. If college students are encouraged to graduate for 3 years, they will seriously affect the willingness of students' auxiliary departments and dual main repairs at this stage.Not to mention the internationalization of internationalization in the future. After adopting the concept of the freshman regard of the freshman, he is not in the university and allows students to graduate in 3 that time, even if students want to use the winter and summer vacation to make a plan to enrich themselves, it will undoubtedly become the night.

As for the statement of obligations not to be on the front line during the war, not only did it clearly explain the meaning and concept of national defense, but also confused the basic difference between obligations and voluntary service.

The concept of national defense and wartime mobilization in Taiwan, that is, to ensure that the military officers with the ability of the first -line combat capabilities, can have the ability to train backup and voluntary soldiers.EssenceTherefore, the United States will continue to demand Taiwan's ability to extend obligations and strengthen the ability to mobilize fired soldiers.However, according to Vice President Lai, it is not only contrary to the concept of preparing for the entire army at this stage, but also does not meet the goals of the United States for the overall combat power planning of Taiwan.

The "3+1 Plan" and the obligations of the university's "3+1 Plan" are not on the front line, mainly to reduce the impact of the elections brought by the prolonged military service for one year.However, such internal policies are undoubtedly subject to US -Taiwan relations and the overall international situation framework; and the quality of defense and foreign policies is also difficult to completely escape the impact of international relations.

The government has intensified competition in the face of the United States and China. Under the slogan of anti -China -China Baotai, if power is protected, it is necessary to pay a relative price and social cost.You can clearly see the extension of military service.

The author is a professor at the Department of Foreign Affairs of the National University of Political Science