Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Lin Baochun

Hou Youyi's election has always been in a downturn. From the beginning, he held the New Taipei Mayor election to win Yu Wei, and he ranked first. Now he is beyond the third child.The gap is even more open to a point.

He's former fragrant grass, is Xiao Ai now?Hou Youyi used to be a key to the Kuomintang, South Korea Yu, and many important issues of the Kuomintang, and even disdain. Of course, the disturbances of the Kuomintang's "recruitment" in the Kuomintang were the key to turning.The "celebration market" that the Kuomintang had been optimistic about not only did not appear, but also became a fatal injury to its polls.This not only causes centrifugal and Germany in the Kuomintang, but also makes many dark blue voters have the calculation of empathy. The situation must be said to be extremely dangerous.

Hou Youyi was born at the grassroots level, rich in experience, and has strong local colors. It was originally very optimistic and expected by many people. Therefore, he could stand out at the time of "calling" and defeat the strong enemy Guo Taiming and get tickets to participate in the presidential election.However, Hou Youyi is too honest, and he is not good at responding to his personality disadvantages. At this time, he gradually emerged, especially the talks about the Ministry of Political Congress.The nickname of "Adou" is self -coming.

Since Hou Youyi has decided to run, he also vowed to retrieve the power for the Kuomintang. Of course, there should be detailed planning and meticulous organizations to create issues and quotes the trend, especially to participate in some important dialogue occasions.The possibility of setting questions can be performed in multiple exercises.However, the team and staff of the New Taipei Municipal Government of Hou Youyi obviously have not yet deepened their understanding of the election. Since the way, they have been poverty -stricken, and even like old cows breaking the car."Poisoning case" was actually slowed.Of course, Hou Youyi may not be "Abou", but even if it is "Adou", there is Zhuge Liang supporting it, and it will not decline to such a point.It is a pity that Hou Youyi's team is difficult to believe that they can afford Zhuge Liang's heavy responsibility.

Perhaps Hou Youyi has also discovered the shortcomings of his own team. Recently, in addition to hiring the party, Ma Ying -jeou, Zhu Lilun, and Wang Jinping in the party, they even took care of the cottage and brought about the 10 -year -old duke's politics.EssenceJin Yicong has always had the nickname of "Jin Xiaodao". With his clear affairs, he is as sharp as a knife, and the clean style of "fierce", the well -known style, is well -known in the election, and has never lost.Hou Youyi can invite Kim Jiancong to come out of the mountain, but a wonderful chess chess that puts many experts below the glasses. However, will Jin Yicong be the Zhuge Liang of the Hou team, with the ability to paint the finishing touch.Wake up a living, jumping dragon?In fact, people are still suspicious.

Indeed, Jin Jicong is a bey -ards of all the battle, but this is a matter of 10 years. In the past 10 years, Taiwan has changed rapidly and fiercely.With the "multi -war", whether Jin Xicong can weigh the current situation and set up a good strategy, I am afraid it will still be observed.Jin Yicong assisted Ma Ying -jeou that year, and the two believed in each other. It was really like Liu Bei encountered Zhuge Liang and could get water like a fish, and the monarchs and ministers had the same power.Still unknown.In the Kuomintang's genes, the internal and inside, the layman of the outside world is well -known. Jin Jicong and Hou Youyi have no contact. Suddenly, a Cheng Cheng bite Jin.The hind legs are still dare not be delusional, but the running -in during the period must also take a long time and energy for a long time. How will its efficacy will be worth watching.

During the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang has long been silent, and the strategy of the three -division based has been set.Hou Youyi may be able to regard Jin Xicong as Zhuge Liang, who can help me, but Jin Jicong knows that the current "Lai Kehou" dispute similar to the "Lai Kehou" is currently similar to the Three Kingdoms. What is the key to the problem?

Zhuge Liang cut off Wei and wrote a popular "Morning Table". Fliming Wei was an external military operation, but Zhuge Liang still emphasized the importance of "internal affairs".Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, Xiang Chong and other "good favors", the Kuomintang today, "Liangshi"?The reason why Hou Youyi's momentum is weak is that the biggest reason is that the Hou team did not really take Guo Taiming, South Korean Yu and other influential people, and pulled back to the Kuomintang Party, committed heavy responsibility, but let it be naturally fermented and became another opposition.The sound waves.Kim Jiancong is said to be Hou Youyi who is willing to go out of the mountain, and Guo Taiming and South Korean Yu are of course enough to control the rise and fall of the Kuomintang. If I am Jin Yicong, they are five and ten, and they must invite it to the Kuomintang.No.If Kim Jiancong has not even had this at least cognition, or if he can't get a valid way, I am afraid it is just Zhuge Liang, who has his name.

The "internal affairs" of the Kuomintang is important, but the more important thing is external policies.In the Three Kingdoms era, it can stand in three cents. According to the site, it is called the king's domination; but the 2024 presidential election can only choose one president, and the winner takes it all.EssenceAt that time, Wu and Shu, in the face of the strong threat of Wei, Zhuge Liang knew what was going on. Only by the United States to control the invasion of the Cao Wei army.Objective to resist.Today, the situation of "three -legged governor" in Taiwan, Ke Wenzhe and Hou Youyi separated from the second and 3rd two. According to the reason, the dispute should be temporarily set aside, seeking common groundwork, and using the first opponent as the sole tackling goal.However, the current practice of the Hou team is a surgery on both sides, and even picks up Ke Wenzhe, looking for the gap, not soft.That is, if the issue of "restarting service trade", the Kuomintang and the people have a common concept. Ke Wenzhe expressed support. Whether Hou Youyi should take advantage of the momentum to share his voice with Ke Wenzhe and criticize the original DPP to block the service trade, which ledThe disadvantages of ten years behind Taiwan's economy?Not out of this, but how about how the "original" problem is that Ke Wenzhe's "originally", you poke me a knife, and I return you with a rake.As a result, the second child and the third child dug the corners of the wall, and the boss was cool and watched the show. Isn't the final result cheap?

I don't know if Jin Yicong has noticed the strong desire of the current folk "removed the DPP", and "Blue and Baihe" is the only opportunity to fulfill this wish.The DPP's current momentum may not be able to win even if it is "blue and white", not to mention that blue and white compete with each other, it is "impossible task."Zhuge Liang's out of the mountain was for the end of the Han Dynasty, and the soldiers were in trouble.The people of Taiwan have been suffering from the DPP's long -standing backward. There are a lot of anger that "mourn in time, and I and Ru's death." Jin Yicong's out of the mountains, everyone hopes that it can be like Zhuge Liang, but whether Jin Xicong can really have Zhuge Liang'sThe minds and ambitions take the best consideration of the well -being of the people in Taiwan?

From the perspective of the current situation of the Kuomintang, there is no Zhuge Liang who can weigh the overall situation, probably, it is probably impossible to return to life. If Jin Jiancong fails to bear people's hope, it is really better to find three stinky skirs to play this one.The overall situation.

The author is a retired university professor