Peace has never been achieved overnight.In 1928, countries signed the Non -War Convention in Paris to abandon the war as a national policy, marking that human society announced the first time that the war was illegal.Although this convention did not bring peace to human society, it reshaped people's ideas and profoundly affected the formation of international order after World War II.("Why is the neutral" now? Why is it not spiritual? "

In a modern society with "illegal war", what kind of power does countries rely on international law to comply with international law?How can we force some "illegal people" to return to the road to comply with international law?The Russian -Ukraine War has been more than a year. What are the means of illegal behavior of Russia?Will the Third World War happen?

When countries have reached a consensus on "illegal war", abandon war as a tool for national policy, and once again promised to "abandon the use of force" in the United Nations Declaration signed in 1942, and signed the right to use the use of force in the United Nations Charter in 1945After leaving only the "countries that take self -defense" and "the security council that can only take collective operations", a sovereign state wants other sovereign countries to act according to their wishes. What else is there?It cannot be intimidated, that can only be attracted. At this time, the legal way is to provide cooperation that is beneficial to both parties.This led to a large -scale rise of international trade cooperation after World War II, and international organizations with large and small increase.

The latest version of the United Nations Treaty has more than 2,800 volumes, including hundreds of thousands of international agreements.These agreements include everything, from the planting of crops to taxation to climate change and criminal cooperation, which is everything. These are the main "origin" of international law, that is, the main form of expression.Through these agreements, even the weakest countries can carry out cooperation with both parties in other countries in the world without worrying about the coercion of the war.

If any country does not follow the agreement, does not fulfill the obligations of international law, what should I do if they do not abide by the judgment of the international court?In the past, it could be used to force other countries to cooperate with war and force. After the war is illegalized, what are the power to ensure the implementation of international law?Throughout the development of international order after World War II, we can find that in the new world that replaces war with more free and vigorous trade, most countries will actively abide by and maintain international law rules. On the one hand, it is due to the national reputation and interests;On the other hand, if you do not follow, it is difficult to ask other countries to obey, and you cannot defend your rights when your interests are damaged.

At the same time, the international community has also developed a strong means of punishment for the offenders, that is, economic sanctions, and "Outcasting" called international jurists.It is said that "without playing with you" and "no longer cooperate with you".

Everyone is familiar with economic sanctions. After all, since the beginning of the Russian and Ukraine War, the international rounds of economic sanctions have made the Russian government pay a huge price and affect each Russian.Some Russians who live overseas feel that this is unfair to individuals, but the national war responsibility is a collective responsibility, and it is different from the principles of criminal responsibility with ordinary criminal crimes.Unless the theory of international law can have major changes at this point, the war between the country will definitely affect individuals.

Let's take a look at what is Outcasting?In a broad sense, it is also part of economic sanctions, including the exclusion of the interests of the treaty and the countermeasures of the breach of contract.The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties signed by countries around the world was a treaty for the treaty.It stipulates that if an important clause of the treaty is violated, any affected party has the right to terminate or temporarily slow down the "all or part of the treaty."This treaty affirmed the countermeasures of various countries. The purpose was not to retaliate, but to force the breach of the contract to return to the right track.However, from another perspective, it has also contributed to the rise of the modern trade war.

In 2002, Bush, US President Bush, fulfilled his campaign commitment to increase the import steel tariffs from 1%to 30%.In this regard, the European Union filed a lawsuit against the United States, and the United States defeated the United States.The World Trade Jury allows the European Union to retaliate with tariffs worth 2 billion US dollars, and also threatened high tariffs on some products from certain states (votes in small Bush) from some states in the United States.The core interest of the WTO to member states is the "most beneficiary of the country". The country signed the agreement to give each agreement with low trade barriers in exchange for corresponding low trade barriers. The United States is also afraid of losing this interest.In the end, when Bush canceled high steel tariffs, Bush excused for changes in the economic situation, and the actual reason was based on the consideration of interests.

The power of this Outcasting will force a country like the United States to return to the international legal order.

But this method does not always work. Sometimes, even if the weak country wins the lawsuit, it will be unable to counter it; when a strong country always finds reasons to not accept or implement the WTO ruling.In addition, if a country wants to give up cooperation with other countries, or has not had much cooperation benefits with other countries, the above measures will be useless.The people who are locking the country with the world are suffering from the people. Some governments, such as North Korea, may not care so much.

At the same time, whether it is economic sanctions or Outcasting, it is a double -edged sword.As long as it depends on economic sanctions on Russia, although it has a great blow to Russia, other countries have paid a lot.And how lethal these measures to the sanctions depends on how many countries in the league and how big the benefits of cooperation are.The power of the WTO is also due to enough countries. If any country is excluded, the loss and cost are great.

Now the rise of international trade organizations in many regions, these organizations will become more and more powerful as the cooperation areas increase.In a country, it is excluded from a country, and it will pay more and more in the future international trade.Just like Russia, if the doors of other countries are closed, it can only be circulated internally, but not all countries have closed their doors at present, and some countries import energy and other products from Russia, and international trade has not completely interrupted.Forcing Russia to withdraw from Ukraine and stop war, not only requires the international community to be more united, but also more intelligent methods.

Technological innovation helps to achieve results

The more countries participate in sanctions, sanctions are more effective; at the same time, it is necessary to innovate in Outcasting technology.For example, the international community has a lot of technological innovation in sanctions on Iran and has achieved results.In the sanctions against Iran, carefully designed sanctions measures will not only cause those who violate international law by Outcasting, but those who do business with international law will also be connected with Outcasting.Legal and technical innovation will expand the power of sanctions. This is another choice for human beings to maintain international legal order outside the war, but the results still depend on how many countries are willing to cooperate and cooperate.

Some people say that stop assisting Ukraine can help the armistice, but the obvious consequence is that Ukraine destroys the country.If one sovereign state uses war to annex another sovereign state, and humans will be overthrown after two peaceful order established by world wars.However, the world in front of it is complicated. The interests of interests between countries are complicated. The two major powers of China and the United States have fallen into a trade war. They also have different views on the Russian and Ukraine War.

The longer the Russian and Ukraine War, the greater the impact on the concepts of governments in various countries.In the era when free trade and globalism, other countries are partners, not competitors.However, in the era of war returning to human perspectives, countries have begun to worry. Whether other countries are partners or competitors, they need to weigh again and again.

Human society has reached a consensus of "illegal war" for almost a century. Although the war has not completely disappeared, it is a century of the rapid development of global economic cooperation and an era of peaceful development in most regions.ThisWhether the scene of Xinxin's prosperity and peace continues depends on how much lessons the human beings have learned from history.In today's world, in addition to the Russian and Ukraine War, there are also terrorism, and the Asia -Pacific is also turbulent.Sometimes it is worrying that humans will return to the old way to "stop war with war"?If humans forget the lessons of the two wars and the efforts to strive for peace, the third world war is not impossible.

The author is a former media person, creator of children's books