The U.S. Secretary of State Brills Visit China has brought a hint of hope to Sino -US relations with spiral declines. Brinken said before leaving Beijing that the high -level direct contact and continuous communication isThe best way to conflict.

This prominent feature of this meeting is that China "frankly" faces the severe reality of Sino -US relations.This meeting also caused a certain level of stopping in Sino -US relations.Brinken invited Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang to visit the United States. The two sides agreed to increase the China -US passenger flights to discuss, agree to expand humanities and educational exchanges, and provide support and convenience for more scholars, students, and business people.However, this does not mean that Sino -US relations have emerged at an inflection point, and it does not mean that the United States' policy on China has long pursued the long -term recruitment of "alleviating (management and control)" with false recruitment, but it will change the way of actual contradictions and conflicts with the actual recruitment.

Since former US President Trump launched a trade war in China, Sino -US relations have continued to deteriorate, and the two sides have almost broken in science and technology, media, education and academic levels.In July 2020, the Chinese consulate in Houston and the U.S. U.S. Chengdu Consular Hall. The United States coordinated allies to comprehensively block the development of China and block in China in the Indo -Pacific region.This series of behaviors and events will naturally not be the problem of micro friction just as the balloon incident, or local contradictions and conflicts.

The United States -led Western camp is focusing on blocking China's development.During the Hiroshima Summit of the Seventh Kingdom Group, Japan invited the Western economy and the "Global Southern" countries and the Asian Danan Valley Chairman Guohiko, the Pacific Island Rotation Chairman of the Kuke Islands, and the Non -League Rotating Chairman Guomoro and other important representative countries.Sinicization risk.After the summit, the United States established the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) 14 countries' crisis response to the network to coordinate future supply chain activities and fracture early warning mechanisms.

This series of actions shows that the West has clear ideas and action plans, and is committed to building a future market development system that is obviously blocked by the Chinese economy worldwide.On the surface, it is a surrounding, which is actually developing monopoly, economic aggression and siege.If China cannot effectively solve the dilemma of Sino -US relations and establish a new and higher level of Sino -US and China -US relations (development) models, the challenges facing future development and security will be unusual.

"Risk of Chineseization" is an organic component of the "Global Northern" world.The "de -China" is mainly in the field of economy and science and technology, while "going to China" points to the overall development and security opposition (resistance), conveying the concept of zero sum of game.Develop.

Conflict of World View and Development Outlook

The word "de -China risk" is unusual lies in: 1. It shows that the West has pointed out the overall ideology of blocking China's development; 2. This direction is not because China has an aggression or other countries (the West) orThe intention is just because of China's development and strongness, highlighting the selfishness, narrowness and ignorance of the West's blocking China's development; 3. China is facing development and security challenges and its cracking, not for a while, but long -term and systemic.This also shows that China has faced a good international development environment formed by Deng Xiaoping's main reform and opening up since the 1980s.

Sino -US conflict on the surface is based on the conflict of interest and the distribution of the (re -) distribution of the United States global hegemony. It is basically a conflict between the world view and the human development concept.Human civilization is in the era of regional development, to the era of comprehensive and deep globalization.In this era, two major agenda must be resolved: 1. What mechanisms achieve this transformation; 2. Differences and struggles between the concepts and strengths and non -globalization concepts and resistance.

The former means that the pragmatic and rationality of each country, especially between China and the United States, should effectively adhere to human life and development, integrate each other's destiny, and solve the contradictions and conflicts of interests, promote the integration of the global free trade system, governance and development system integration,This is the only right way for human future and well -being.In particular, scholars and academic levels of China and the United States should start extensive in -depth discussions (solution) instead of relying (limit) to some politicians.The latter will have long -term and cruelty. For 20 or 30 years, there will be only one ending, that is, the comprehensive integration and integration of the global life and development system, there is no way.

The severe development and safety situation in China is due to the underlying contradictions in the reality of the United States and Europe and China, and it also depends on the decision -making level of China.Fundamental understanding and active reform ability.

During the Warring States Period, Wang Yan (Guiguzi), the originator of Heavenly Taoism, wrote in Guiguzi: One person (country) must grasp his own destiny, and he must review the situation.At the time of the world, it is the trend of the general trend of the world; the trend of the world is the various forces that promote the general trend of the world.When the sage knows the situation, he is in trouble with the treacherous times.

The most fundamental development logic of human beings (great trend) is: the governance and development requirements of democratic politics, the rule of law society, market rules and human destiny, are irreversible and unsuccessful.

China's policy and development dividends accumulated in reform and opening up in the 1980s are based on the state's socialism that follows more than 2000 years of autocratic systems to Marxy Engels' text, and then from Deng Xiaoping to the development of "socialism with Chinese characteristics"The concept has launched the release of social productivity (part) under the process of limited democratic politics, the country of rule of law and the market economy.However, based on the reform and opening up of more than 40 years, we must continue to deepen the comprehensive release of social productive forces. It is necessary to effectively learn from the modernization of national governance capabilities as support for the effect of effectively drawing on western social governance and development of advanced elements.

Strong and weakness lies in national governance capabilities

At present, the development of China's development process must pay attention to the collaboration between the essence of the Chinese civilization and the new development of the development.Endless and vibrant.

Whether China can successfully transform and upgrade and obtain the feasible dominant ability in the future global governance and development process, that is, effectively solve the severe challenge of the western "going to China", depending on: 1. Whether to comprehensively summarize the achievements of human civilizationAnd have a governance pattern and ability that can be compatible with global (including Western society); 2. Can it have a solid ability in economics, trade, technology, philosophy, education, culture, politics, and martial arts;High -quality export -oriented global investment and trading system.

The Sino -US trade war opened the prelude to the deterioration of the relationship between China and the United States and the West and China.This is not only China's severe challenge, but also a major opportunity for China to conspiracy.It is the forced force of this prelude that China has proposed the development policy of promoting "domestic and international dual cycles" and "building a unified market".

The strength and safety of China are not in the United States or other countries, but in terms of national governance capabilities.There are still many issues to solve the state governance in China. How to comprehensively restore corruption from the construction of political system, eliminate unfair development opportunities and unevenness, and change the rules unknown.The rotten and lack of critical thinking, the lack of critical thinking, and the academic decadent, and the abandonment has caused the relevant ideas and words and deeds with many international contradictions and many international contradictions?Governance of Qingming, impartiality, academic enthusiasm, solid and solid academic, high -speed science and technology, and strong military. You cannot rely on one or more people alone, but must create the scientific construction of the national governance system obtained by each person to create and well -being.

Chinese civilization is now in the process of transformation from ancient and modern to modern and future transformation and re -creation. It is not enough to rely on traditional culture. Only the Marne theory text is not good.China must be able to clearly understand and accommodate and contain East and WestAll the essence of human civilization, including civilized fruits, can also maintain the excellent kernel inheritance of Chinese civilization, face human life and development with civilizations in various regions of human beings, and discuss and solve the problem of humans together. This is the human mission and responsibility of Chinese civilization.Intersection

China should strive to show the global symbols of social governance and development systems worldwide with the overall sustainable development mechanism, quality, ability, and righteous influence of the country.The improvement of China's comprehensive comprehensive competitive capabilities, sustainable development and security, and the completion of the great cause of national rejuvenation must be carried out and practiced with the national governance capabilities that must be profoundly changed by the national governance system.

The author is a scholar of Beijing National Intellect