The state councils in the six states of Malaysia have been dissolved one after another, and the party factions have entered a stubborn stage.For them, consolidate the basic market for voters should be the most important.This is the prerequisite for the middle voters, otherwise the two ends will not reach the shore, and even lose the wife and fold the soldiers.

First of all, the main party in the unity of the governing government hopes the alliance. The supporters are mostly educated, and they have been widely educated.Sexuality, I hope to reform problems in the fields of social, politics, and economy in Malaysia for many years.Many of these Pakatan Harapan supporters have contact with current affairs in work and life, and they can experience that although the overall economy of the world has not yet recovered, the Malaysian country's own social and economic developmentNearly developing countries, the latter seems to have attracted a large number of foreign capital in recent years, but Malaysia has the hidden concerns of foreign capital outflows.Although the MIT value has not plummeted in recent months, it is an increasingly larger challenge for some Pakatan Harapan supporters who serve in the trade field and from time to time to go abroad.

The Pakatan Harapan has been a long -term opposition party (although it has been in power in several states, but Malaysia's political power is concentrated at the central level). Of course, its supporters will not have high expectations in the past.However, the Pakatan Harapan is the second time in power. Although less than two years, and under the leadership of the former Prime Minister Mahathir, who has the same dream with the Pakatan Harapan; although the Pakatan Harapan is dominated by the federal government, it is only about half a year.With the constraints of former political opponents in the unity government, supporters still have urgent expectations of it.For the Pakatan Harapan, the problem lies in this "urgent".Many supporters are not too patient. They are waiting for Prime Minister Anhua to slowly launch a reform plan for society, politics, and economy. It also believes that Anwar's economic stimulus measures are not soup or water, and failed to take effect faster.As a result, some people can't help but feel that the Pakatan Harapan has no sincerity about the real reform, but he is unable to do it with economic issues, or he is even unable to catch it.

We ushered in these state elections more than half a year after the second governance. What will the Pakatan Harapan supporters react on the above situation?Many people choose the state as a mid -term political examination for the unity government.Of course, some of the most strong supporters will continue to vote enthusiastically. They are firm in the Pakatan Harapan's beliefs and believe that anyway, they have to vote for relatively reform thinking, more liberalized, and more secluded.But whether there is still a hill -like momentum, then you will see the wisdom.

A lot of original Hsien Alliance supporters, seeing that the Pakatan Harapan's governance is not satisfactory, but failed to persuade yourself to vote to the Pakatan Harapan opponent and support religious and conservative national alliances.A slightly negative protest method, staying at home or traveling around in the state of the state, to "teach" the Pakatan Harapan that is considered to be from the original intention, so that it will come to power in the future to promote reform.

In addition, there are some supporters of the original Hiectory League who have thought more about it, and they will actively vote for the votes to the national alliance that is used as a green tide. It is believed that the latter should also give the latter a chance to administer Selangor or Penang.Economic state, maybe it is better to manage than the Pakatan Harapan?For them, this is also an alarm to the Pakatan Harapan, even if it is a political and fatal blow to the Pakatan Harapan.

Therefore, some leaders of the Pakatan Harapan or at least some speakers with more mass charm. Recently, at various political plans or fundraising banquets, the information issued is to know the righteousness of the Pakatan Harapan supporters, and to always be honestThe image of liberalization and secularization is in sharp contrast to political opponents.Of course, sometimes this will accidentally hurt the political allies.For example, in terms of integrity and corruption, a few days ago, some Pakatan Harapan speakers inadvertently compared the Pakatan Harapan and the Barisan Nasional of the united government, which greatly dissatisfied the leader of the latter.Unite the internal fighting of the party member party.

In any case, the Pakatan Harapan is also aware that the supporters are very dissatisfied. If they are transformed into protests such as not voting or deliberately voting to the National League in the state, it is not a good thing for the Pakatan Harapan election.This seemingly strong dissatisfaction, we must guide from now on to a more positive direction.

As for the dominant BN, UMNO, who has always advocated ethnic interests, has always been a defender who has been the interests of the Malay ethnic groups for many years. Therefore, of course, supporters are logical, and I look forward to UMNO to bring more benefits to them.Although UMNO is also a ruling party at the moment, he failed to really lead the unity government, so it was also sandwiched in the dilemma of politics.If you are too actively playing with ethnic groups, you will conflict with the Pakatan Harapan, who are advocating diversified; but if you choose to promote multiple with the Pakatan Harapan, compare the Islamic Party and the Turkish Party in the most important political opponent.Immediately fell into the wind, and the supporters who had lost significantly in the last election would be further lost, causing a defeat in the state election.

On the other side, although the Islamic Party of the National Alliance won the most national meeting in the last election, while taking advantage of the turbulent green tide, it still meets the basic disk to make Malaysian society more religious or even divine rights.Requirements.Therefore, in the governing Jilandan, some conservative social regulations have also extended to non -Muslims.In short, all parties must stabilize the basic market in order to show their skills in this state -elected.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute)

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center