Source: Surging News

According to the China Construction Daily, on the afternoon of June 26, Ni Hong, the party secretary and minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, met with Ge Haizheng, secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Bank of China, and his party.Exchange high -quality development.

Ni Hong pointed out that it is necessary to encourage financial institutions to participate in urban construction and renewal, and promote the creation of livable, intelligent, and tough cities.It is necessary to build a house for the people, improve the quality of housing, explore the establishment of a house pension system, and provide a full life cycle security guarantee for houses.

Among them, the "house pension system" attracts attention, so what is the "house pension" system?Where does the "house pension" come from?

What is the "house pension" system?

The "House Pension" system is not first proposed.

The house pension system is considered to be an institutional arrangement of the government's reserves of the safety of houses. The background proposed is the hidden dangers brought by the aging of the stock house, but the existing special maintenance funds of residential houseneed.

According to the construction magazine agency, during the two sessions this year, Chai Qiang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the chairman of the Chinese real estate appraiser and the real estate agent society, brought a proposal on the establishment of house pension early to ensure the safety of the people's residence.At present, China's existing housing maintenance mainly depends on special residential maintenance funds or owners' self -raised funds.A single residential community, the scale of funds is generally only 6 million to 9 million yuan or even lower.With the increasingly aging of houses and its auxiliary facilities and equipment, the demand for maintenance funds has increased year by year, and maintenance funds in some residential communities are rapidly decreased or even exhausted.The existing special maintenance funds of residential residential houses cannot meet the needs of the house's "repair".Its suggestions can provide financial guarantee for the establishment and operation of the housing safety management system by establishing a house pension system, and better fulfill the public safety responsibilities of government housing.

According to the official website of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress, during this year's National Two Sessions, the National People's Congress representatives, the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the Nanjing Metro Group Co., Ltd., also suggested the establishment of a house pension system to explore and solve the safety management of houses.problem.Xun Cai Gao pointed out, "House pensions are the institutional arrangements for government reserves of house safety funds, which can accelerate the exclusion of hidden safety hazards and solve the problem of history."

At the same time, since last year, officials have repeatedly proposed to study the establishment of a house pension system.

After 2022 "April 29" Changsha residents' self -built buildings collapsed, the Ministry of Housing and Construction held a video conference on May 1 of that year and deployed the special rectification of self -built houses nationwide.Manage various systems, study the establishment of a house medical examination system, and strengthen the safety guarantee of the entire life cycle of the house.It is necessary to study the establishment of a "pension" system for the house to better solve the problem of existing sources of house maintenance funds.

On May 24, 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on the special rectification work plan for self -built housing construction in the country, stating that "improve the quality and safety standards of houses, study and establish a regular medical examination, house pension and house quality insuranceSystem. "

Why should the "house pension" system be established?

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In response to the phenomenon of "fulfillment" of the existing residential maintenance funds that cannot meet the needs of the house "repair", Xun Cai Gao suggested to establish a house pension system.

Chai Qiang also pointed out in his proposal that according to the Chinese population census year -2020 and related data, more than 30 % of the household housing in Chinese urban and towns were built before this century.The scale of urban stocks has exceeded 30 billion square meters, and as the age of housing increases, the proportion of old housing has continued to rise.In view of the increasing scale of the existing houses, there are more and more residents and families, and it is urgent to plan ahead to prevent transformation from beforehand. From now on, it has gradually accumulated "pensions" for houses.

Where does the "house pension" come from?

For the question of where the "house pension" comes from, Cai Cai Gao suggested in his proposal that house pensions can be classified and managed, consisting of two parts: public account and personal account.

Among them, the source of public account funds is mainly land transfer funds, the value -added income balance of maintenance funds, funds for the renovation of the old community, the funds that should be collected by the three supply and one industry, the city property management awards, etc.The principles of leading, professional operations, coordinated use, and special funds "are adhered to the management concept of" two lines of income and expenditure ", which are mainly used for public services such as daily compulsory medical examinations and purchasing house safety insurance.

Personal account refers to the special residential maintenance funds account. It is managed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the management of special maintenance funds. It is mainly used for maintenance and renewal of the shared parts and common facilities and equipment of residential houses after the warranty period.

Chai Qiang said in his proposal about establishing a house pension system early to ensure the safety of the people's living safety, saying that by establishing a house pension system, it can provide funding for the establishment and operation of the house safety management system, and better to better manipulate, better wayPerform the public safety responsibilities of government housing.

It suggests that a certain percentage is extracted from the land transfer income (land price) or net income (transfer income reduction) each year, such as more than 5%of land transfer income or 20%of the net income of land transfer more than 20%.As a house pension.Because land transfer income is mainly "from houses", when supplying real estate development land, land price funds or land transfer funds are collected at one time. In particularThe proportion of land prices in housing prices is too high, and the necessary costs for ensuring the quality of housing construction and maintenance renewal are crowded.

At the same time, use the role of house pensions in the security management of the safety management of the whole life cycle of the house, establish a house physical examination system, and use house pensions to carry out regular medical examinations to "cure diseases" for old houses to achieve the safety testing of houses.Emergency discharge and accident risk guarantee, forming a long -term mechanism for the safety of houses, and providing a full life cycle security guarantee for the house.

City pilot is on the road

Since the beginning of this year, the establishment of a house pension system has been mentioned many times. In addition to some representatives of the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC at the two sessions, the house pension system is recommended to solve the problem of maintenance of old houses.The work TV conference was held, and the meeting pointed out that it is necessary to actively build a long -term mechanism for house safety management, accelerate the local legislation of house safety management, and actively promote house pensions, regular medical examinations, "three systems" pilots and self -built houses for house quality insurance.Comprehensive supervision pilot of security cross -departments.

At the same time, some cities have explored the pilot related work of the house pension system.

According to the official website of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, on May 12 this year, Zhou Tao, a first -level inspector of the Real Estate Market Supervision Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, went to Nanjing to investigate and explore the pilot related work of the house pension system and held a discussion.meeting.At the symposium, the research team heard the introduction of the relevant situation of Jiangsu Province and Nanjing on exploring the establishment of a house pension system.Participants around the necessity, feasibility, feasibility, and residences around the establishment of a house pension systemThe problems existing in the use of special maintenance funds and related suggestions have been exchanged.

The Institute of Middle Indications believes that the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development once again emphasizes "exploring the establishment of a house pension system and providing a full life cycle security guarantee for houses", or indicates that the construction and pilots of the house pension system may be accelerated, which is conducive to betterSolve the funding problems of the transformation of old communities and improve the quality of living and living environment of residents.

The senior analyst of Zhuge Data Research Center Chen Xiao mentioned that the exchange between the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development and the Bank of China also conveyed the implementation of house pensions that may be explored by political and banking cooperation.