Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao talked about the news industry that the media can ask questions and make comments, but this is different from provoking contradictions and singing decline.

According to the Hong Kong Government News Commission, Li Jiachao said on Friday (May 17) at the 70th anniversary of the Hong Kong Newspaper Association and the 2023 Hong Kong Best News Awards.After experiencing the transition period of developing new industries and new formats.At this time, the power of the journalism is needed to spread the opportunities and lives of Hong Kong, so that Hong Kong citizens and friends around the world can see the development opportunities, advantages and attractiveness of Hong Kong.

Li Jiachao said that the news industry must abide by professional ethics and provide readers with accurate and comprehensive information, and no impartial reports.

He believes that everyone can ask questions and make comments, but there is a difference between the problems and the conflict of conflicts, and the differences between the comments and singing decline are even greater.This is the difference between good intentions or poor intentions; whether it is intentional construction or destruction; it is the difference between social interests or private interests.

Li Jiachao pointed out that the news industry assumes major social responsibilities, so he supports the newspaper association to promote the high -quality development of the news and support high -quality news work through the best news awards.

He also hopes that the Hong Kong media industry has self -reliance, creating great achievements, working together to promote the continuous progress of Hong Kong, creating a positive and aggressive atmosphere for the society, and jointly promoting the patriotic and love Hong Kong as the core, the "one country, two systems" guidelinesAdapt to mainstream values ​​and continue to contribute to the construction of a beautiful home in Hong Kong.