YouTube, a video platform owned by Google, agrees to abide by the ban on the prohibited order, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government emphasized that everyone should comply with all the requirements of the ban.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and the online media "Hong Kong 01" reported that the Hong Kong Government spokesman said on Wednesday (May 15) that the Hong Kong government had learned that some social platforms had taken measures to obey their wishes.

The spokesman said that the temporary prohibited order indicates the criminal acts related to a song, including a broadcast or publishing the song in any way with relevant criminal intent.Everyone shall comply with all the requirements of the ban.

A spokesman said that the Hong Kong Basic Law of Hong Kong National Security Law Hong Kong Human Rights Act and other laws fully guarantee Hong Kong residents to enjoy basic rights and freedom in accordance with the law, including freedom of speech and freedom of press.However, such freedom is not absolute.

A spokesman said that based on maintaining national security, the prohibition order is necessary, reasonable, legal, compatible and meet the requirements of relevant human rights bills.

The Hong Kong Appeals Division ruling on Wednesday (May 8th) ruled that the Law Department appealed straightforward, and the songs that were widely circulated during the anti -repair example would return to Hong Kong to approve the temporary ban order, and the dissemination of songs was prohibited from spreading songs.Rongguang returns to Hong Kong for illegal use.

Subsequently, YouTube will be limited to 32 in Hong Kong to browse 32 linked links related to Hong Kong in Hong Kong to respond to this temporary ban.But YouTube said that he was disappointed with the ban and continued to consider the options of the appeal to promote information.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government emphasized that the Appeal Court has considered the ban on the freedom of speech when issuing the ban on the prohibition, and believes that the restrictions imposed on the restrictions imposed by the freedom of speech constitute.The prohibition order has no impact on the exercise of rights and freedom of Hong Kong citizens who abide by the law, and it will not hinder the freedom of information circulation.

Jiang Yuhuan, a member of the Legislative Council of the Legislative Council with the legal background, said that the Hong Kong government's application and awarding the ban has been issued clearly, calling on YouTube not to entangle the appeal.

In addition, for YouTube, you can also browse some short films related to Hong Kong with wishing glory. The Hong Kong government spokesman did not respond to this.