During the meeting of the Minister of Trade in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation, Hong Kong and Peru announced that they would roughly complete the negotiations between the free trade agreement and will sign the agreement within this year.

The Hong Kong Government issued a newsletter on Friday (May 17) to announce the above news.

According to the bulletin, the director of the Hong Kong Business and Economic Development Bureau Qiu Yinghua attended the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Trade Minister in the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Trade Minister in the Asia -Pacific region on May 16th local time.Elizabeth Galdo Marín met and jointly announced that it had roughly completed the negotiations of Hong Kong and Peru's Free Trade Agreement.

Qiu Yinghua introduced that the negotiations were launched in 2023, including the scope of goods trade, service trade (including e -commerce), investment and other related areas."I am very happy that we have reached the goal of concluding a high -quality and comprehensive free trade agreement."

He continued that Peru is an important trading partner in Hong Kong in Latin America. This free trade agreement will strengthen the connection between the two parties in trade and investment, and provide legal guarantee and more for Hong Kong goods, Hong Kong merchants and investorsJia's conditions entered the Peruvian market and brought mutual benefit to the economy of the two places.

Both parties are interested in completing the remaining work and their internal procedures, and they officially signed a free trade agreement this year.The details of the agreement will be announced.

In 2023, Peru is the fifth largest cargo trading partner in Hong Kong in Latin America. The total cargo trade between the two places is HK $ 5.231 million (about 90.93 million yuan).From 2019 to 2023, the average annual growth rate of goods in the two places was four percent.

香港迄今已签订八份自贸协定,涉及20个经济体,包括中国大陆、新西兰、欧洲自由贸易联盟成员国(即冰岛、列支敦士登、挪威和瑞士)、智利、澳门、A member states of Asians (namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam), Georgia and Australia.All free trade agreements have taken effect.

In addition to the Peruvian Free Trade Agreement, Hong Kong will also continue to actively expand the economic and trade network, including seeking to join the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP) as soon as possible, as well asPotential trading partners conclude a free trade agreement or investment agreement.