After the Hong Kong SAR Government criticized the Social Workers 'Registration Bureau, it did not effectively prevent the registration of criminals of the National Security Law as social workers, and decided to rectify the Social Workers' Registration Bureau, increased the proportion of members of the heads of the heads of the bureau to 70 %, and the proportion of members to the election members to 30 % to 30 %Essence

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily, Hong Kong 01 and Radio Hong Kong reports, the Hong Kong Executive Council passed the draft (revised) regulations on Tuesday (May 14) of the Hong Kong Executive Council on Tuesday (May 14).Reconstruction.

The members of the Social Work Registration Bureau increased from 15 to 27, and the selected members will be reduced from 50 % to 30 %.Registered social workers.The draft also recommends that all members must swore to confirm support for the basic law and loyalty zone before taking office, and to ensure that social workers who have been ruled to be serious crimes will be canceled immediately.

The regulations will be regulated on Friday (May 17), and will be submitted to the Legislative Council's first and second reading next week.

For a significant increase in the proportion of special commissions, Sun Yuzheng explained on Wednesday (May 15) on the radio program.Multi -channel "multi -channel".

He emphasized that the election should not be the only way, and criticized the registered bureau to currently deviate from the spirit of the regulations. The bureau's act and decision did not take into account public interests and harmed social workers and credibility.The repair is to balance the public and professional interests, so that the Registration Bureau will return to the right track.

However, Wu Ruiming, chairman of the Social Work Registration Bureau, said that he agreed to improve room for improvement, but he could not see that the new plan was conducive to the development of the public and social workers.Members? "

He believes that even if the registered bureau wants to reorganize, the government should fully discuss and consult with the social workers.In response to the needs of members, he believes that the Legislative Council or political groups need to be oath to understand, but as a professional group, the Social Work Registration Bureau needs to increase these political factors?

The social workers have been considered the main composition of the Pan -democratic school in the past.The pro -construction of the Cross -Public Press has criticized the Social Workers' Registration Bureau to be "dyed yellow" and became the "site" of the opposition to control Hong Kong's social welfare community.

Sun Yuzheng posted a post on the Facebook account of the Labor and Blessing Bureau on May 10th, accusing the Social Workers' Registration Bureau offered the "five sins", criticizing the bureau without establishing a mechanism to effectively prohibit the ruler who was ruled to be harmful to the crime of national security crimes.People become social workers, "not using public power to safeguard public interests."

It is generally believed that Sun Yuzheng is aimed at Chen Hongxiu, a member of the "Position Social Workers".Before the post was issued, the Ming Pao reported that the Labor and Fook Bureau had requested that the Social Workers' Registration Bureau re -considered Chen Hongxiu's nomination for the Disciplinary Committee's alternative member group.

"Position Social Workers" is a social worker group established during the anti -repair campaign in 2019.Chen Hongxiu was charged with the anti -repair in 2019 in 2020. He participated in the riots with other people on Hennessy Road and Lu Mai Road in Wan Chai.