Hong Kong plans to reorganize the registration bureau of the Social Workers of the Legal Institutions and require the registered bureau members to swore before taking office.SAR officials emphasized that sworn in requiring to help maintain national security.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01, Sing Tao Headline and Ming Pao reported that in recent years, the Social Workers' Registration Bureau has caused the institutionalist and Hong Kong government to dissatisfy the decision to handle the decision of the license of illegal social workers.

The director of the Labor and Welfare Bureau Sun Yuxi wrote on Facebook last Friday (May 10) to criticize the current acts and decisions of the Registration Bureau, which seriously deviates from the spirit of the registration regulations of social workers.Regardless of the professional and credibility of social workers.

Sun Yuzheng listed some incidents, including the registration bureau that did not take specific actions to establish a mechanism for implementing relevant announcements, prohibiting those who were ruled to be criminals that harmed national security crimes to become registered social workers, and the Registration Bureau passed by majority votes to pass by majority votes.A social worker who is appointed by the court to handle his riot control, and join the Disciplinary Committee's Discipline Inspection Council's alternative member group.

Sun Yuzheng refers to these incidents that are worrying, highlighting that it is necessary to improve the governance of the registered bureau, so as to better safeguard national security, protect public interests, and promote the orderly development of social workers.

The Hong Kong Chief Executive and the Executive Council on Tuesday (May 14) through the amendment of the Social Workers' Registration Regulations, the members of the Social Work Registration Bureau will increase from 15 to 27, of which the number of members generated by the election will remain maintainedIn eight people, 17 people were appointed members, and the other two were the Director of the Social Welfare Department and public officials of social workers.

The draft of the relevant amendments will be published on Friday (17th), and the Legislative Council will be submitted to the Legislative Council for one reading and two reading next Wednesday (22nd).

Sun Yudi said that it is taken for granted that members of a legal institution that requires public power to exercise public power can help ensure the maintenance of national security, as well as members of the members support the Basic Law and the SAR Government.