Chen Guoji, director of the Hong Kong Department of Government Affairs, said that national security is the foundation of social prosperity and stability, and the people's living in peace and career.Guoan talents can be in Hong Kong and Jia'an.

According to the Hong Kong Government Bulletin Network, Chen Guoji made the above statements while speaking on Monday (April 15) at the flag -raising ceremony of the National Security Education Day flag raising ceremony.

Chen Guoji said that the National National Security Education Day is an important part of enhancing the national security awareness of the whole people and the promotion of national security education. It also pointed out that national security is the foundation of social prosperity and stability, and the people's living in peace and career.Guoan can be in Hong Kong, and Guoan can be home.

He said that the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law is immediate and the effect is immediate, and the violence is stopped, allowing Hong Kong society to quickly restore stability.However, the international situation is ever -changing, the hostile forces are still staring, and various risks that endanger national security still exist.With the efforts of the Hong Kong Government and the Legislative Council and all sectors of the society, Hong Kong has effectively fulfilled the constitutional responsibility, and this year has completed the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law.

Chen Guoji said that with the effectiveness of maintaining the national security regulations on March 23 this year, Hong Kong improved the legal system and implementation mechanism of maintaining national security to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of national security.

He said that national security education is also in line with patriotism education.The Constitution and Basic Law Promotion and Supervision Committee led by him has officially established a patriotic education work group to gather the leadership of the relevant sectors of the society to strengthen patriotism education in all aspects and make suggestions to the Hong Kong Government.

Looking forward to the future, Chen Guoji said that the Hong Kong government will cooperate with the working group to cooperate with the working team to consolidate the strength of all sectors of society.Patriotic education promotes the mainstream values ​​that take the patriotic and love Hong Kong as the core and adapt to the "one country, two systems" policy, and enhance the general citizens, especially the younger generation's recognition of the national and Chinese excellent traditional culture.

Hong Kong ushered in the first national safety education day after 23 legislation.Director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau Deng Bingqiang said in an event on Sunday (14th) that he hoped that citizens would learn to entertain and deepen the awareness of national security education into every corner of the country.