Ye Liu Shuyi, a member of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong New Democratic Party, said that the success of Hong Kong in the past is because of opening up. If it is too "wolf", he cannot play the role of international bridge.

According to the report on Wednesday (April 3), Ye Liu Shuyi, who is also the convener of the Executive Council, said in an exclusive interview with Ming Pao that the 23rd legislative of this time, the foreign response was milder than that of the Hong Kong National Security Law.Essence

She believes that in addition to government officials to reconstruct the international image, in addition to continuing to explain to the outside world, they should also promote "civil diplomacy."

Ye Liu Shuyi said that Hong Kong's business and professional circles have deep international connections, and they should be used well to gradually remove the West's misunderstanding of Hong Kong.

For the "low -level red" phenomenon of criticism of the construction of the establishment and the Hong Kong government in recent years, Ye Liu Shuyi said, "Slowly change it."She said that Hong Kong, as a world bridge, was successful in the past. If Guoan threatened to be controlled, it should be adjusted.Essence

The three readings of the Hong Kong Legislative Council last month passed the draft of the national security regulations, commonly known as Article 23 of the Basic Law.The United States, Britain and other Western countries and international agencies express that the law may further limit Hong Kong's freedom.

The Hong Kong government responded that some Western countries, anti -China organizations, anti -Chinese politicians, foreign media, and foreign wanted criminals, etc. made discredit, extremely misleading and wrong remarks.The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has the constitutional responsibility for maintaining national security.According to the United Nations Charter, international law and international practice, maintaining national security is the inherent rights of all sovereign countries.Many ordinary law judicial regions have formulated many laws to maintain national security.The anti -Chinese elements who maliciously discredit the national security regulations are a blind eye and let go of this.