The number and loss amount of online investment fraud cases in Hong Kong innovatively have a new high.

据香港中通社星期五(11月17日)报道,香港今年首三季录得3523起网上投资诈骗案,涉及款项约21.3亿元(港元,下同,约3.68亿新Yuan), the number of cases and losses reached a new high.Among them, the largest case involved 27 million yuan, and many victims were professors, doctors and investment consultants.

Hong Kong police figures show that the first three quarters of this year recorded 3523 online investment fraud cases, which was closer to 17 times compared with the same period last year.The loss amount reached 2.13 billion yuan, an increase of 22.5 times year -on -year.58%of them involved Hong Kong and overseas securities, and about 60%of the scammers came into contact with the victims by the communication platform.

The victim of the case ranges from the age of 13 to 80, and the age group of people aged 46 to 55 accounted for about 25%.Among them, the youngest victims were only in the middle of the middle. In August this year, she met a person who claimed to be an investment expert in social media. The other party claimed that there was a high -return foreign currency investment plan, which seduced the victim's total transfer of 4240 yuan in five times.

The victims of the largest case involved in the case are 70 -year -old retired women.The scammers faked the "Liberation Army in Hong Kong" and met the victim through the communication platform LINE last November. After becoming a netizen, the two parties tricked her to open a hukou on a false investment platform and invested in mainland stocks.Total 27 million yuan.When the victim tried to withdraw 1,000 yuan during the period, the scammer refused for different reasons, and the victim's son later revealed the incident.

The Hong Kong police reminded that scammers will recognize different identities, including government officials, artists, and even investors to seduce the victims.In some cases of the victims of the victim of the case, the company's stock critics advertised by the social platform. At the end of August this year, a communication platform called "Fortune" was added.EssencePolice emphasized that citizens should pay attention to the suspicious investment page. If the establishment date is short, there is a high risk of deception.

Police pointed out that the crime of crime crimes on cyber conditions is generally long, and the illegal disciples have gradually changed to a fast investment fraud case for fraud, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of fraud.

Police call on citizens to think clearly before investing in investment, do full homework, investigate the background of the other party, and suggest that when they encounter similar incidents, they should think about "if we have money, why should the other party be promoted to strangersWhat does he have for his intentions and benefits? ".