Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said on Saturday (November 18) that the Hong Kong National Security Law implemented the role of a sea god needle. Now Hong Kong has returned to the center of the world stage. It is necessary to live in peace and never accept the "black storm" dead ash.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, the Hong Kong government has held a "joint meeting of crimes" again after a lapse of five years.At the meeting, Li Jiachao said that this year was the 50th anniversary of the founding of the crime committee. The two -year joint meeting was suspended for five years due to the influence of "black storms" and epidemic. The meeting was the first time after the Hong Kong National Security Law was promulgated in 2020.

Li Jiachao said that in 2019, Hong Kong was damaged by the "Black Storm" Hong Kong version of the color revolution. After unprecedented arduous challenges, the central government promulgated the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, which played the role of Dinghai God needle.He said that Hong Kong has now returned to the center of the world stage, the number of passengers has rebounded sharply, and large international events have continued. Hong Kong wants to bring together global investors to show up the great map. It is necessary to have a stable environment.Remind everyone that the "black storm" rolls back at any time.

Li Jiachao also said that everyone who loves Hong Kong needs to take the maintenance of national security as the starting point, be vigilant and prevent people with ulterior motives and external forces provoking separation, opposing and refuting the discreditation of bad intentions, "Never never discredit," Never never.Accept the black violent ash rehabilitation. "

Li Jiachao also reiterated that it will be legislated to complete Article 23 of the Basic Law within next year, linking with the current Hong Kong National Security Law to improve the national security legal system.