Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao will lead the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's delegation to Shanghai on Saturday (November 4) and attend the 6th China International Import Expo.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Radio Network reported that Li Jiachao will attend the opening ceremony of the Expo on Sunday (November 5), and go to the Hong Kong enterprise booth in the Hong Kong display area to visit and support Hong Kong enterprisesEssence

In addition, Li Jiachao will give a speech at the sub -forum of the Hongqiao International Economic Forum and the "Investment of the Year of the China" peak conference to promote Hong Kong to the mainland and overseas companies as an important channel role to connect the country and the international and international channels to the country.Essence

Li Jiachao said that Hong Kong actively participated in and supported the Expo. In addition to the attendance of high -level government officials, a number of business leaders will also participate in the forum held during the expo to introduce the participants to the participants.Unique advantages.

Li Jiachao also pointed out that the Expo is a major measure for the national initiative to open up the market in the world, and it also provides huge business opportunities for Hong Kong companies to develop a domestic sales market.This year, more than 300 Hong Kong companies will participate in the exhibition. The number of Hong Kong companies participating in the exhibition is the crown of previous years, reflecting the enthusiastic response of the Hong Kong business community.

Li Jiachao will meet with Shanghai leaders while visiting Shanghai, strengthen Shanghai and Hong Kong cooperation, and communicate with Hong Kong people living, working and studying in Shanghai.

Earlier, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce Shu Shuting on Friday (November 3) announced that Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang will attend the 6th China International Import Expo and Hongqiao in Shanghai on November 5thThe opening ceremony of the International Economic Forum and related activities, and delivered a keynote speech.This session will be held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th.