The privacy policy of Chinese office software WPS Office is questioned by netizens involved in user privacy.Jinshan's office issued an apology and said that it has been amended to the privacy policy that is easy to cause misunderstandings.WPS Office is a product of Kingsoft Office.

According to the report of Zhongxin Jingwei, WPS official Weibo issued a document last Thursday (November 16) that WPS AI officially opened a public beta, and it will be open to all users from now on.

However, some netizens found that "we will actively upload the document materials that you take the initiative to upload, after taking desensitization processing as the basic material for AI training", "And questioned Jinshan's office to infringe on user privacy and use it to train AI.

The official Weibo of Beijing Jinshan Office WPS issued a statement on Saturday (November 18) to apologize, and stated that the above -mentioned expressions that are easily misunderstood have been modified.

WPS said that some of the expressions in the WPS privacy policy, especially about the description of the beautification function and its description of the user documentation method, caused the user to disturb the user, and emphasized that "all user documents will not be used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for being used for it.Any AI training purpose will not be used for any scene without user consent. "