Chinese media quoted sources that the world's largest alternative asset management company Heishi Group is selling logistics asset packs in China, with a total price exceeding RMB 10 billion (about S $ 1.864 billion).

Surging News reported on Thursday (November 16) that the information shows that the Chinese logistics asset package sold by Blackstone Group includes 11 logistics park projects in 11 cities, which are Longdi Nanjing, respectivelyBinjiang Cold Chain Logistics Park, Longdi Changshu Logistics Park, Taicang Longdihe Thai Logistics Park, Lechuang Deqing Logistics Park, Longdi Guangzhou Airport Logistics Park, Longdi Foshan Nanhai Logistics Park, Wuhan Le Sheng Logistics Park, Longdi, LongdiChangsha Airport Logistics Park, Chengdu Longdi Dongbaixinjin Logistics Park, Longdi Xi'an Airport Logistics Park, Longdi Qingdao Port Logistics Park.

Among them, the largest of the 11 logistics parks is Longdi Guangzhou Airport Logistics Park.

Public information shows that before the acquisition of Longdi Guangzhou Airport Logistics Park was acquired by Blackstone Group, it was the only logistics park under China's real estate agent R & F Real Estate.980,000 square meters, the planned total construction area exceeds 1.2 million square meters.

Blackstone Group completed all the equity acquisition projects at the end of 2021. At present, the completion part of the rental rate exceeds 75%. The total cost of Blackstone Group's previous acquisition is about 8.263 billion yuan.

In November 2020, Blackstone Group acquired 70%of the equity of Longdi Guangzhou Airport Logistics Park from R & F Real Estate, with a price of US $ 1.1 billion (about S $ 1.479 billion);The Group acquired the remaining 30%stake in the project from R & F Real Estate, with a price of 1.263 billion yuan.

Surging news statistics, the total construction area of ​​the 11 logistics park projects that Blackstone Group plans to sell this time is about 2.2 million square meters, and the current average rental rate is about 80%.Among them, the smallest area is Nanjing Binjiang Cold Chain Logistics Park, covering an area of ​​60 acres, and the current rental rate is 100%.

The people familiar with the matter revealed that the Shi Shi Group's move is a project with better investment returns, and some of the projects that are not particularly ideal for sale.Therefore, the total price of 11 projects exceeding 10 billion yuan has been considered a "discount price".At present, the asset package has the intention of trading.

Analysts pointed out that in normal words, investment companies may be "fast -moving fast and fast out" for some small projects.The time is less than two years, and normal long -term investment will not be sold in such a short time.