A Chinese fishing boat was covered in the waters near Kagoshima, Japan, 21 people were rescued and five disappeared.

According to the China News Agency, according to the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center and the Japanese Maritime Security Agency, on Saturday (November 18) at 3:51 pm local time, a Chinese fishing boat was in Kagoshima Satoshikawa, Kagoshima.The city of Shima Island was covered with the west of the west of the sea, and 26 fishermen fell into the water, of which 21 were rescued by nearby Chinese fishing vessels, and five disappeared.

The Chinese Consulate General in Fukuoka stated that after learning about the above news, the Consulate General launched an emergency mechanism, and the relevant Japanese departments and the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center established a real -time contact communication mechanism to carry out their work.The Consul General of the Chinese Consul General in Fukuoka, the head of the search and rescue department of the Tenth Pipe District of the Japan Maritime Security Agency, called on the phone, emphasizing that the Chinese side paid great attention to and valued the safety of fishermen in the water, and asked the Japanese side to use all means to continue to search and rescue.

The Japanese side said that the aircraft had been sent to search and rescue, and no clues have been found. Due to the darkness and bad weather, the plane returned.The Japanese side has sent two inspection vessels to the relevant waters to continue search and rescue. After the dawn, they will send search and rescue planes.