China and the Philippines have been rubbing in the South China Sea, and the Philippine President President Marco and Chinese officials hold an informal talks in San Francisco in the United States to seek formulating mechanisms to alleviate the tension of the South China Sea.Agree, the issue of the South China Sea should not be a factor in defining the relationship between China and the Philippines.

The analysis of the scholars of the interviewed, the talks help to open the dialogue between China and the Philippines at all levels, and gradually alleviate the tension of the South China Sea.However, the structural differences between the two countries have not been resolved, and how much the talks can be observed.

Paris and Chinese officials attended the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization (APEC) Summit in San Francisco, and held informal talks on Friday (November 17) local time on Friday (November 17).This is the second meeting between the two within a year.

P / Macas was interviewed by the media after the meeting; Chinese officials did not release any news related to the talks as of the interruption of the joint morning post.

According to media reports such as Reuters and the Philippine Star News, Martakus said that the leaders of the two countries tried to formulate a mechanism to alleviate the tension of the South China Sea and revealed that he sought talks with Chinese officials again in recent incidents.

China and the Philippines have been rubbing continuously in the Ayunjin Reef (Called Renai Reef) in China Sea in the past few months._blank> The Chinese and Philippine ships occurred twice in the waters in October , which is the worst friction in the South China Sea in recent years.

China also accused the Philippine frigate at the end of October, "illegally broke into" Huangyan Island (Philippines called Marsinkex shallow beach) near the sea.

Little Marcos has concerned about the recent incidents of the Chinese and Philippines.Sagas said that he and Chinese officials agreed that the issue of South China Sea should not be a factor defined by the Filipino relations.Marco also emphasized, "I don't think anyone wants to fight."

However, Xiaomakus pointed out: "These problems still exist, and the two sides must continue to communicate and find ways to avoid similar accidents."

The Philippine official criticized in September that China has a floating grid with sovereign disputes in the South China Sea.Block the fishing fishermen fishing.

Pagoda emphasized that the Philippine fishermen should be fishing without harm."I ask us to return to China and the Philippine fishermen to fish in these sea areas."

Little Marcos visited Beijing in January this year and was the first foreign leader received by China this year.At that time, the leaders of the two countries had a friendly atmosphere. The two sides issued a joint statement after the meeting, agreed to deal with disputes in a peaceful way.But in the past few months, China and Philippine's tensions in the South China Sea continued to increase .

The leaders of the two countries did not arrange formal talks during the APEC period, but the specific news of the informal talks of the two heads of state by the Philippines unilaterally released the Philippines.

Wang Zhisheng, former Secretary -General of the China Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, analyzed in an interview with the United Morning Post that the sensitivity of the South China Sea issue is not as sensitive than the Taiwan Strait.EssenceOn the one hand, we must not give up the existing tough stance; on the other hand, because of the attention of the United States, the Philippines, Japan and other countries, it may have to adjust the processing method in the future.This is believed to be the main reason for Beijing's low -key processing of this talk.

Many analysis believes that in addition to the Taiwan Strait issue, the South China Sea also has the potential risks of Sino -US rubbing guns.Earlier, it was reported that the US President Biden reminded China on the South China Sea issue at a conference at a Xi -worship meeting.In the face of the official meeting of Chinese officials, the San Francisco also held talks with US Vice President Harris in San Francisco. Discussion issues include the situation in the Western Philippines. The two sides reiterated that the Philippines and the United States' strong alliance relations.

Xu Ruilin, a senior researcher at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology Research Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology, judged in an interview that the recent issue of the South China Sea has risen to a direct dialogue between the two heads of two sides may announce a ministerial or lower level meeting for one or two weeks, which will be a positive sign of the two countries to improve the situation in the South China Sea.

But Xu Ruilin pointed out that the short dialogue between the leaders of China and the Philippines cannot improve the structural problems facing the two countries in the South China Sea.Both sides do not have much room for concession, and can only continue to promote the existing position; therefore, even if this informal talks play a stable role in the situation in the South China Sea, this stable period is only a short gasping window.