The Taiwan election has stuck in the wild Lanbaihe, and Zhao Shaokang, the chairman of China -Guangzhou, calls on the party's presidential candidate Ke Wenzhe to have a greater volume.

According to Lianhe News Network, Zhao Shaokang went to the New Taipei Three Gorges Candidate Lin Jinjie platform on the morning of Sunday (November 19), and interviewed before the event.

Zhao Shaokang said that Ke Wenzhe is a bit larger. Since he is willing to concession within the scope of the polls, you must persist to the end.Unwilling to be unwilling, as if very aggrieved, how to persuade your voters in the future?The people's party has no strength, and the Kuomintang has the foundation. 60 legislators run for elections, and 380 members and thousands of villages have been in the election. This is not whoever lets, but to divide the work and play the director.

Zhao Shaokang called for it that Lan Bai could not cooperate and could not succeed. After a few days left, he hoped that Ke Wenzhe would turn back.He said that this election is very important, which is about 23 million people's future. The Kuomintang's request is the error in textbooks. Huang Shanshan, the director of Ke Wenzhe's campaign, used to be nominated."" ".

If the scope of the polls is not negotiated, the blue and white will be stuck on Saturday.Huang Shanshan said that she refused to sign the signed by experts representing the people of the people to participate in the Blue and White negotiation, fearing that the signing was equivalent to signing the deed.