China's personal computer brand Lenovo's performance has declined year -on -year, but the decline has narrowed.Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo, said that he has confidence in the personal computer market next year.

According to, Lenovo Group's 2023/2024 FY2024 fiscal year results released on Thursday (November 16). During the period), A year -on -year decrease of 16%; the net profit of returning mother was US $ 249 million, a year -on -year decrease of 54%.

Although many financial reports are still falling, compared with the first fiscal quarter, Lenovo's revenue decline has narrowed eight percentage points, and the total revenue increases by 12%from the previous month.The two quarters grew month -on -month; the decline in net profit of returning mother was narrowed by 12 percentage points, and the total net profit of the mother increased by 41%month -on -month, showing that the signs of recovery began to appear.

From the perspective of subdivided business performance, in the second fiscal quarter, the Intelligent Equipment Business Group (IDG) of Lenovo's personal computer business achieved revenue of US $ 11.515 billion, a year -on -year decreaseAs high as 80%; operating profit of 847 million US dollars, a decrease of 17%year -on -year.

It is reported that in the past year, the de -inventory action of personal computer channels has continued to drag down the performance of Correon's personal computer business.In the third quarter of this year, the research institution IDC data showed that Lenovo Group's personal computer shipments worldwide shipped 16 million units, a year -on -year decrease of 5%.

However, the downward cycle of the personal computer market may end last quarter.In the season, Lenovo's global computer shipments increased by about 13%month -on -month, which drove Lenovo's personal computer business revenue in the second fiscal season and increased by 13.6%month -on -month, and IDG business revenue increased by 12%month -on -month.

Yang Yuanqing mentioned at the performance meeting that from October last year to September this year, the reason why the personal computer market declined sharply is the inventory.Worried that the supply cannot keep up, so the channel has accumulated more inventory, and the inventory has been digested in the past year. "

He said, "We not only saw the growth of the season than the season, I estimate that we will soon see the annual growth of the year. And we are also confident in the 2024 personal computer market. WeI feel that it will return to the increase in at least individual digits, and the growth of less than 5%is completely possible.