A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Affairs Department did not name the dictator of the US President Biden, and manipulated the irresponsible politics.

At a press conference at the end of the Sino -US dollar meeting on Wednesday (November 15th) local time (November 15th), he explained the dictator he described earlier this year and said that he would continue to describe it.

When Biden was about to leave the venue at the end of the press conference, a reporter asked Biden loudly. After today, will he continue to use a dictator to describe him?

Biden replied: He is.I mean, he is a dictator, the significance is that he governs a country and a communist country, which is based on a national governance method that is completely different from us.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning Mao Ning responded when asked about related issues at a regular press conference on Thursday (16th). This statement was extremely wrong. It was irresponsible political manipulation and China resolutely opposed it.

Mao Ning also said that what needs to be pointed out is that there are always people with ulterior motives trying to provoke and destroy Sino -US relations, which will not succeed.

When some people attempted to destroy Sino -US relations and whether to refer to the US President Biden, Mao Ning said that anyone attempted to provoke and destroy Sino -US relations, they knew it.