China's social financing scale increased by 1.85 trillion yuan in October (RMB, the same below, about S $ 350 billion), which was not as expected.

According to the data released by the official website of the People's Bank of China on Monday (November 13), the increase in social financing in October was 1.85 trillion yuan, which was 91.8 billion yuan more than the same period last year, an increase of 9.3 year -on -year increase%, But the median value of Bloomberg economist is 1.95 trillion yuan, which is also lower than the double digit increase before the beginning of this year.

Data show that the RMB loan issued by the real economy increased by 483.7 billion yuan, an increase of 23.2 billion yuan year -on -year; foreign currency loans issued by the real economy increased by 15.2 billion yuan, an increase of 87.6 billion yuan year -on -year; trust loansIncreasing 39.3 billion yuan, an increase of 45.4 billion yuan; net corporate bond net financing was 114.4 billion yuan, which was 126.9 billion yuan year -on -year; net financing of government bonds was 1.56 trillion yuan, which was 128 trillion yuan year -on -year;Yuan, as less as 46.7 billion yuan.

In October, the new RMB loan was 738.4 billion yuan, which was higher than the expected 655 billion yuan expected by economists. The same period last year was 615 billion yuan.

The increase in M2 in a broad sense of currency is the same as the previous month, which is 10.3%. However, the M1 of currency and current deposits in circulation is only 1.9%.Bloomberg quoted analysts that the expansion of the gap between these two indicators shows the sluggish business activities and the preventive savings of families.

It is reported that October has always been a month when loans and credit performance have been weak, but in order to stimulate the economy, the Chinese government has issued bonds in the past two months to offset the significant shrinking of weak borrowing and shadow banking financing.In September and October of this year, the scale of government bonds reached 2.6 trillion yuan. At the same time, the People's Bank of China also released long -term liquidity to the financial market by lowered the deposit reserve ratio.

The outside world has been paying close attention to the recovery of China's loan demand as a barometer for China's economic recovery.The decline in the real estate market, coupled with the low confidence of some industry companies, has led to relatively slow credit expansion this year.