The Chinese public security organs announced the four important leaders of Northern Myanmar's electrical scams such as Maintars, and stated that they were suspected of organizing the opening of fraud denominations to openly armed armed to protect fraud.

According to the CCTV News on Sunday (November 12), it was investigated by the public security organs of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and found that Ming Xuechang, Ming Guoping, Mingjiku, and Ming Zhen were involved in China.The important leader of the telecommunications network fraud criminal group, the criminal group headed by Ming Xuechang organized a long -term tissue to open a fraud den, publicly armed to protect scamming, and implemented the telecommunications network fraud criminal activity against Chinese citizens, and the amount of fraud was huge.

They were accused of not converging, not agreed, and continued to organize illegal criminal activities under the strict situation of public security organs.The circumstances are extremely bad and the consequences are extremely serious.

The Wenzhou Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province decided to make public rewards and wanted by the four people. The public security organs also called on them to take the initiative to surrender and strive for a large treatment.For meritorious personnel who provide effective clues and assist in the arrest, the public security organs will give a reward of 100,000 to 500,000 yuan (S $ 19700 to S $ 93,400).

It was circulated earlier on the Internet that the incident that someone was buried on the 20th of the jealous area adjacent to China on the northern part of Myanmar.