Singapore and China Shandong Province will strengthen cooperation in the fields of green economy, modern services, trade and interconnection, further promote two -way investment and trade exchanges, and pave the way for wider and deeper cooperation between bilateral sides.

Xu Fangda, Minister of Transportation and Minister of Finance of Singapore, and Minister of Finance, Saturday (November 11) and Shandong Deputy Governor Song Junji co -hosted the 24th Singapore -Shandong Economic and Trade Council (SSBC) meeting held in Jinan.Xu Fangda pointed out in his speech that more and more Singapore companies regard Shandong as an important business and investment destination, and the council will encourage and support Xinlu enterprises to carry out more cooperation.

The Xinlu Economic and Trade Council, established in 1993, is the first bilateral economic and trade council established by Singapore and local governments in Singapore.On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the council, the Singapore Enterprise Development Bureau and the Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce have updated the vision of cooperation in the next five years.The Enterprise Development Bureau also signed an agreement with the Jinan and Qingdao Municipal Government to deepen cooperation in the fields of green economy, modern services, trade and interconnection, and humanistic exchanges.

Xu Fangda pointed out in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Shandong is the second largest province and the third economic province in China, and has huge demand for trade and service industries.In recent years, Shandong's economy has also transformed from heavy industry to the green economy and digital economy, providing Singaporean enterprises with development and cooperation opportunities."We hope to bring Singapore companies in more related fields to Shandong to excavate business opportunities to create higher value -added."

In the first three quarters of this year, the total trade between Singapore and Shandong increased by 8.6%compared with the same period of 2022.As one of the three major investment sources of Shandong, Singapore has invested more than $ 17 billion (S $ 23.1 billion) in Shandong so far, covering more than 2,000 projects.

At present, 541 Singapore companies have invested in Shandong, and more than 170 Shandong companies enter Singapore.Xu Fangda observed that in the early days of Xinlu's cooperation, Singaporean companies invested in Shandong.However, in recent years, Shandong enterprises have a strong willingness to "go out"."Although the domestic market in Singapore is not large, Shandong companies can radiate a larger regional market with the advantages of Singapore in terms of business environment, global connectivity, and financial services."

This is the second time Xu Fangda visited Shandong within three months.He and the secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China Lin Wu and Song Jun on Saturday had lunch, and attended the dinner with Shandong Chang Zhou Naixiang.

In the early morning of the

On the day of the meeting, Jinan descended the first snow this winter.Zhou Naixiang said in his speech: "As the saying goes, Ruixue Zhaofengnian, which indicates that our cooperation with Singapore will definitely achieve fruitful results."

Zhou Naixiang introduced that the starting area of ​​the new and old kinetic energy conversion of Jinan, which is currently fully built in Shandong, is expected to become a new landmark of Xinlu cooperation.The starting area has hired Jibao Group as the general adviser to the project, and Shengyu Group, Nanyang University of Technology and Estee Pavilion Group also participated in the project construction.The Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce also set up Shandong (Singapore) Enterprise Service Center in the starting area to provide one -stop services and support for Singaporean enterprises.

Zhou Naixiang promised that the governments at all levels of Shandong will provide tailor -made personalized solutions for Singaporean enterprises. Welcome entrepreneurs to "have any ideas, even though they are raised."

The New Lulu Economic and Trade Council meeting held in three years has attracted more than 70 representatives of nearly 40 Singaporean companies to participate in the conference.At the meeting, Chinese enterprises signed 19 memorandums of understanding with the Shandong government agencies and enterprises, which were nearly four times that of the last session.

Eagle New Energy Group signed two agreements at the same time to set up a group North China headquarters in Yantai, Shandong, and cooperate with the Qingdao Laixi Municipal Government to build the Agricultural and Optical Industrial Park that combines agriculture and photovoltaic power generation.

Fu Yuanling, CEO of Yige, said in an interview that Shandong has the natural environment required for photovoltaic power generation in Shandong, and has also led many regions in the development and utilization of new energy.The Group plans to invest in 1 GW (GW) new energy assets in Shandong in the next two years.He also disclosed that the starting area of ​​Jinan has conducted preliminary negotiations with Yige on the low -carbon sustainable project. "If it can be discussed to be a project, it is another huge business opportunity."