Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province, China has reported that an investigation team has been set up on the county's strong cutting of more than 30,000 national locust trees.

Comprehensive CCTV and poster news reports, some netizens broke the news on Wednesday (November 8) that relevant departments in Shanglotan Feng County, Shangluo Dan, Shaanxi forcibly forcibly will be more than 30,000 national locust trees (10 years old)And more than 30 walnut trees (30 years old) forcibly cut off and pulled away, and did not mention any loss compensation with the villagers before cutting down.

In response, the Government of Caichuan Town, Danfeng County responded that due to national policy requirements, all the trees on all cultivated land must be cut off and planted crops. At present, the compensation policy has not been received.

The Propaganda Department of Danfeng County, Shaanxi Province was questioned on Saturday (11th) that netizens reported that the situation and facts were different. At present, Danfeng County has set up an investigation team and will be announced through official channels.