(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese official media has been described that the US government's export control of China ’s technology has evolved into a“ cat and rat game ”of Hiwideda and other companies.It will only accelerate China's independent technology process.

Within less than one month of tightening the export of China chip exports, some media reported that the US Semiconductor Giant Yingweida has developed three latest modified chips to the Chinese market, which will be launched as soon as the 16th of this month.This will be the second time that Nvidia has re -allocated products for the Chinese market due to US export control regulations for more than a year.

The Global Times commented on this Saturday (November 11) that the above -mentioned actions of Nvidia "in the final analysis are forced by Washington's policy."These rounds of Nvidia and the U.S. government are high -tech companies that do business just as business. After encountering strong interference, restraint and destruction from politics, they are trying their best to survive and develop.

The article states that China and the United States have a wide common interest enough to accommodate the common development of the two countries. There is no reason for the US chip export control measures for the United States to China. It is not only harmful to China, but also harmful to the interests of the United States.The U.S. government made normal and legitimate transactions. It created a kind of killing atmosphere in the market. Nvidia was just one of the representatives of the victims.

The article states that as long as Washington is still committed to "stuck neck" in China, similar "cats and rat games" will continue, and the vulnerabilities to be repaired are "never finished."On the other hand, this will definitely force and accelerate the process of high -tech independent innovation in China. Extreme pressure cannot allow China to stop the development of development.