Gay Games held in Hong Kong last week, becoming the first Asian city to hold this great crowds.Originally, this was the opportunity to show that it was a diverse and international metropolis to show that it was an objections in the society. Even the convener of the executive meeting Ye Liu Shuyi lay down and "middle arrow".

A group of Hong Kong citizens who were pro -built -in schools had previously built a group of Hong Kong citizens, with the support of the Legislative Council member He Junyao and others, and submitted a petition letter to the Legislative Council to oppose the Hong Kong event to host the Tongle Games.The representatives of the Anti -Tongle Club questioned the Tongle Association to violate the Hong Kong National Security Law at the press conference, and also criticized Ye Liu Shuyi to promise to attend the event as a guest guest. It is the concept of identifying the Tongle Association.

Anyone who is slightly familiar with Hong Kong politics knows that Ye Liu Shuyi, 73, is a heavyweight politician of the Hong Kong -made camp. At present, he is currently the convener of the Executive Council and the current Legislative Councilor and the Chairman of the New Democratic Party.These institutional supporters regard Ye Liu Shuyi as opposition figures, which is dumb.

In fact, looking around Ye Liu Shuyi ’s political resume, almost not many people can look back in the entire Hong Kong -made establishment camp today.In 1997, she returned to the Immigration Division of the former official to the Hong Kong British Government in Hong Kong in 1997. She is the first woman in the history of Hong Kong.After returning, he was appointed as the first director of the Female Security Bureau in Hong Kong.

However, the Hong Kong Government's preparations in 2003 legislative on Article 23 of the Basic Law became Ye Liu Shuyi's career.In the process of selling 23 legislation in that year, in addition to failing to eliminate public doubts, she also repeatedly made debate remarks, which inspired many citizens to participate in the July 1 parade, which eventually led the Hong Kong government to decide to terminate relevant legislation.

Ye Liu Shuyi resigned sadly and became the first Hong Kong government accountant official.Since then, she went to Stanford University in the United States to study, and returned to Hong Kong in 2006 and founded Huixian Think Tank, turning from officialdom to politics.

One year later, Ye Liu Shuyi sent a re -election of the Hong Kong Island District of the Legislative Council on behalf of the establishment of the Legislative Council.In the 2008 Legislative Council election, Ye Liu Shuyi fought again, and finally successfully elected as members of the Legislative Council, and has been re -elected many times to this day.In the past three chief executives, Ye Liu Shuyi was invited to join the Executive Council and became the think tank of the Hong Kong government.

In recent years, Beijing officials have always emphasized that "the patriot governs Hong Kong."Ye Liu Shuyi has long joined the public career, and has many years of experience in the Legislative Council and the Executive Council.Some people who built the system suddenly accused her of reflecting some worrying political phenomena in Hong Kong society.

One is that after no democratic school, the internal fighting internally.Some Hong Kong media investigations found that from time to time, some people left a message on Ye Liu Shuyi Facebook page to criticize Ye Liu Shuyi's position on sexuality issues.Some messageers are radical institutions.Originally, different people's attitudes towards the sex niche were normal, and some people opposed the Tongle Games.However, someone continued to attack Ye Liu Shuyi with this issue, and even discredited her in favor of the legalization of same -sex marriage. It was inevitable whether she was a campaign. It was necessary to combat the New Democratic Party's election in the upcoming district council election.

Second, society is becoming more and more general.Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, many people in Hong Kong have used the National Security Law to say things.The Tonglehui was accused of violating the Hong Kong National Security Law, but it was another example of the law that the law was generalized.

Of course, Hong Kong is not a peace in the world, and there are still many hidden dangers of Guoan, but it does not mean that everything must be improved to the height of Guoan.The storm is obviously that some of the institutionalists use the national security banner to achieve their own self -interest.This kind of political hype is by no means a blessing of Hong Kong. Beijing officials have the responsibility to curb the crooked wind of this outline.