UNESCO will set up an International Education Research Institute for the first time in China through resolutions.

The WeChat public account "Weiyan Education" of the Ministry of Education's News Office released on Friday (November 10).The resolution of the Institute of Education (UNESCO IISTEM) of the Education Institute (UNESCO IISTEM) in Shanghai, Shanghai, has been passed, marking the first time that the textile organizations were settled in China.

Huai Jinpeng, the head of the Chinese delegation and Minister of Education, said in a speech after the meeting passed the resolution that the resolution of the textile organization reflects the subordinates of the membership of the membership of the future perspective and unity and cooperationIn spirit, the establishment of the new research institute will have a positive impact on improving the leadership of textbooks in related fields, realizing the mission of the organization's purpose, responding to the current complicated challenges, and promoting global education changes.

Huai Jinpeng said that China will conscientiously fulfill its promises, fully cooperate with the teaching department secretaries to implement the resolution of the conference, support the preparations of the Institute of the Institute, and promote the establishment of the institute as soon as possiblerun.

Huai Jinpeng said that the committee's resolution marks a new starting point for the organization to promote STEM education. The new institute will bring together global wisdom and strength to promote STEM education to a new level, to accelerate to accelerateAchieving the goal of sustainable development in 2030, and building an important contribution to the construction of a better world.

The Institute of International STEM Education is part of the text organization, the 10th category of teaching science organizations in the world, and the first global category in Europe and the United States.Its main functions are to promote the role of science, technology, engineering and mathematics from children to adults to tolerate, fair, appropriate and high -quality national education, and give full play to the role of information exchange centers, network, resource centers, and capacity building centers in the field of STEM education., Serve the strategy of teaching and science organizations and the needs of member states, contribute to the UN Sustainable Development A agenda and the world's peace and development.