Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang presidential candidate, announced cultural policy propositions, and proposed "brighten the Golden Horse, revive the Forbidden City, and create a Chinese cultural center."

According to the Liberty Times website, Hou Youyi visited the Miaoli Sanyi Woodcarving Museum on Wednesday (November 8th).The main axis is the main axis, the target "brighten the Golden Horse, revive the Forbidden City, and build the Chinese Cultural Center."

Hou Youyi's cultural policy proposition. The first is to promote national aesthetics and encourage people to visit the National Museum for free.

The second claim is to support young people to build dreams. He proposed to subsidize 300 cultural workers under 35 years old, and subsidize 10,000 young people aged 18 to 25 each year.Cultural and creative activities.

The third claim is to encourage documentaries and art film and television works, invest in resources to support live performances and small theaters, build specialized collection halls, and upgrade and transform libraries.

The fourth claim is to upgrade the cultural protection system, strengthen the safety protection work of cultural capital, implement disaster prevention drills, and strengthen the safety surveillance system.

The fifth proposition is to build the China Cultural Center. Hou Youyi proposed to strengthen the international cultural exchanges between the two sides of the strait, deepen cooperation with major museums in the world, re -brighten the Golden Horse Awards, and make Taiwan a popular cultural base in Asia.